TMP Theses
- Andrei Constantin: "Domain Wall Dynamics in the String Landscape" (advisor: Helling)
- Korbinian Paul: ""1D disordered systems with interaction" (advisor: Yevtushenko)
- Nitin Rughoonauth: "One-Loop Correction to the Potential in D3/D7-Inflation" (advisor: Haack)
- Sebastian Novak: "Defects in c = 1 conformal field theories" (advisor: Brunner)
- Lasma Alberte: "On Diffeomorphism Invariance and Black Hole Quantization" (advisor: Mukhanov)
- Alexander Pritzel: "On the Origin of Species by Means of Large Gauge Groups" (advisor: Dvali)
- Jegors Korovins: "Holographic Renormalization for Fermions in Real Time" (advisor: Erdmenger)
- Pablo Dominguez: "Time dependent Wegner-Brockett Flow for ?nite systems" (advisor: Kehrein)
- Andreas Deser: "D-brane Instantons and Flavour Physics" (advisor: Lüst)
- Daniel Plencner: "D-Branes in Topological Landau-Ginzburg Models" (advisor: Brunner)
- Matthias Drews: "Disk amplitudes of open an closed string moduli" (advisor: Lüst)
- Jarno van der Kolk: "Time Evolution of Matrix Product Operators in the Heisenberg Picture" (advisor: Schollwöck)
- Niklas Boers: "Derivation of Mean Field Equations for Classical Systems" (advisor: Dürr)
- Juri Smirnov: "Gauge Invaraint Cosmological Backreaction" (advisor: Hofmann)
- Pascal Reisert: "Tame Harmonic Bundles on Punctured Riemann Surfaces" (advisor: Schottenloher)
- Robert Schneider "Non-Perturbative Approach to Pure Yang-Mills Theory in 2+1 Dimensions" (advisor: Hofmann)
- Felix Rennecke "Strings in Background Fields and Nonassociative Geometry" (advisor: Blumenhagen)
- Martin Vogel "Eigenvalue Statistics for Random Block Operators" (advisor: Müller)
- Despoina Katsimpouri "Holographic Superconductors" (advisor: Haack)
- Elco Bakker "Detailed Analysis of Transcriptional Regulation in Yeast: Quantifying Gene Regulation Functions Using DTA Data" (advisor: Gerland)
- Sebastian Seehars "Symmetric Extensions in Entanglement Theory and Quantum Cryptography" (advisor: Christandl)
- Tiago Ramalho "Maximising positional information of morphogen gradients in the Drosophila embryo" (advisor: Gerland)
- Johannes Huster "A_oo-Structures in Lagrangian Floer Cohomology and String Field Theory" (advisor: Cieliebak)
- Sven Prüfer "Mirzakhani's Recursion Relations and Witten's Conjecture" (advisor: Cieliebak)
- Vytautas Matulevicius "Maxwell's Equations as Mean Field Equations" (advisor: Pickl)
- Vasil Bratanov "Landau and Van Kampen Spectra in Discrete Kinetic Plasma Systems" (advisor: Jenko)
- Johannes Knebel "Evolution of Cooperation in Bacterial Biofilms" (advisor: Frey)
- Carsten Klaus "D-branes and orientifolds in Landau-Ginzburg models and rational conformal field theories" (advisor: Brunner)
- João da Gama Batista "Coordination Game on Stepping-Stone Model" (advisor: Frey)
- Jan Sbierski "Strict Weyl Quantisation and the von Neumann Condition" (advisor: Schottenloher)
- Christoph Sträter "Quantum Integrability and its Application to the Dicke Model" (advisor: von Delft)
- André Franca "Classicalization, Declassicalization and Vainshtein" (advisor: Dvali)
- Karl Wienand "Cooperation in Changing Environments" (advisor: Frey)
- André Betz "T-Duality Covariant Formulations Of Supergravities: Double Field Theory and Generalized Geometry" (advisor: Lüst)
- Constantin Sluka "On Quasilocalization by Modified Kinetic Terms" (advisor: Dvali)
- Ingo Homrighausen "Fluctuation Effects in Chemical Reactions with Anomalous Diffusion" (advisor: Frey)
- Leonhard Horstmeyer "BPS Equations from the (2,0) Nonlinear Sigma Model" (advisor: Groot-Nibbelink)
- Tehseen Rug "Strong Coupling in Cascading DGP" (advisor: Dvali)
- Rui Coelho "On the Exactness of Powers of a Kähler Form" (advisor: Kotschick)
- Gino Knodel "On Alternative Mechanisms For Genrating Scale-Invariant Primordial Perturbations" (advisor: Dvali)
- Peter Uebele "Mirror Symmetry of P^1 x P^1 and Tropical Geometry" (advisor: Cieliebak)
- Marius Christopher Lemm "Localization Results For The Quantum XY Model In A Locally Varying External Field" (advisor: Warzel)
- Michael Handrek "On the Maximal Excess Charge of the Chandrasekhar-Coulomb Hamiltonian in 2 Dimensions" (advisor: Siedentop)
- Maximilian Imgrund "On the Two Stream Instability in Pulsar Magnetospheres" (external advisor)
- Anatolij Gelimson "Two Nonequilibrium Models in Biology --- Surface Active Colloids and the Dilemma of Cooperation" (advisor: Frey)
- Matthias Schlaffer "Analysis of e+ e- -> W+ W- within an Electroweak Effective Lagrangian at NLO" (advisor: Buchalla)
- Francesco Alaimo "On the Effects of Spin Orbit Interaction on the Conductance through a Quantum Dot in the Presence of Kondo Correlations" (advisor: von Delft)
- Cora Uhlemann "Cosmological Perturbation Theory in an Anisotropic Universe" (advisor: Hofmann)
- Henry David Gareau Hanson "Stability of Kasner Spacetimes" (advisor: Hofmann)
- Arvid Kingl "Localization in Disordered Bosonic Insulators with Strong Short-Range Interaction" (advisor: Yevtushenko)
- Valentina Ros "On the Lifshitz tails phenomenon for the Density of States of Anderson Hamiltonians on Trees" (advisor: Warzel)
- Benedikt Ziebarth "Ab-initio Study of Lithium Titanate as Mixed Conductor for Solid State Batteries" (external advisor)
- Sungmin Hwang "Vacuum Persistence in Massive Gravity" (advisor: Hofmann)
- Rudi Michael Rahn "Corrections to e+ e- -> W+ W- scattering in electroweak chiral effective theory" (advisor: Buchalla)
- Paula Ida Reichert "Can a Parabolic Evolution of the Entropy of the Universe provide the Foundation for the Second Law of Thermodynamics?" (advisor: Dürr)
- Malte Lehmann "Optimal Timing Strategies for Induction of Sugar Utilization Systems" (advisor: Gerland)
- Mario Rainer Flory "Dynamical Black Holes in Topologically Massive Gravity" (advisor: Sachs)
- Jan Priel "On the Cobordism Hypothesis" (advisor: Schottenloher)
- Sebastian Gottwald "Semiclassical quantum dynamics via the method fo Stationary Phase for a rigorous approach to Feynman Path Integrals" (advisor: Erdös)
- Franz Martin Thoma "A Quantum Field Theoretical Detector Model for Probing the Unruh Effect" (advisor: Hofmann)
- Dennis Hank Schimmel "(Quasi-)Localization of Gauge Fields" (advisor: Dvali)
- Marc Nikolaus Max von Reutern "Simulations of Cilia on a Sphere" (advisor: Frey)
- Stefan Wiedenmann "Segal's Axioms of a Conformal Field Theory" (advisor: Schottenloher)
- Harishchandra Ramadas "Cutoff For The Noisy Voter Model" (advisor: Gantert)
- Marin Georgiev Bukov "Bose-Fermi Mixtures: A Mean-Field Study" (advisor: Pollet)
- Anupam Prasad Vedurmudi "Mechanical Processing in the ICE Model" (advisor: van Hemmen)
- Christoph Fischbacher "On the Spectrum of the XXZ Spin Chain" (advisor: Müller)
- Emanuel Reithmann "Correlations at the Edge of Lattice Gases --- How Tip-Tracking Proteins Influence Microtubule Dynamics" (advisor: Frey)
- Florian Kurz "On the Renormalization of a doubled worldsheet theory" (advisor: Groot Nibbelink)
- Thomas Bilitewski "Superconductivity in two dimensional Bose-Fermi-Mixtures: A Dynamical-Cluster- Approximation Study" (advisor: Pollet)
- Andreas Kapfer "Chern-Simons Terms and the Effective Action of F-Theory with U(1)-Factors" (advisor: Grimm)
- Emmanuel Gebhard Klinger "Quantum and Discrete Trees" (advisor: Warzel)
- Tobias Ried "Jordan Wigner Transformations and Quantum Spin Systems on Graphs" (advisor: Warzel)
- Katja Miller "Random Walks on Percolation Clusters with Carrying Capacities" (advisor: Gantert)
- Alexander Hach "Anderson Localization on Erd\H os-Rényi Random Graphs" (advisor: Müller/Warzel)
- Benedikt Sebastian Staffler "Lifshitz Tails For Random Band Matrices" (advisor: Müller)
- Eliska Greplová "Quantum Information With Fermionic Gaussian States" (advisor: Cirac)
- Benedikt Rehle "Scaling Limits of Biased Random Walks on Galton-Watson Trees with Leaves" (advisor: Gantert)
- Martin Peter Idel "On the structure of positive maps" (advisor: Wolf)
- Benedikt Mark Richter "The D-string - D-term string equivalence conjecture" (advisor: Dvali)
- Silke Bergeler "Active Turing Systems" (advisor: Frey)
- Peter Labus "Black Holes viewed as Bose-Einstein Condensates of Gravitons" (advisor: Dvali)
- Martin Krebs "Localized Wavefunctions on Magnetized Orbifolds" (advisor: Ratz)
- Brian Joseph Padden "The Mathematical Heart of the Unruh Effect" (advisor: Helling)
- Maximilian Jeblick "Mean-field Dynamics of a Tracer Particle in a Fermi Sea" (advisor: Pickl)
- Nikolai Leopold "Hypersurface Bohm models for Photons" (advisor: Dürr)
- David Müller "A minimax principle for eigenvalues in spectral gaps with an application to Dirac operators with singular potentials" (advisor: Siedentop)
- Patrik Ingo Omland "Characteristic Hypersurfaces and Constraint Theory" (advisor: Hofmann)
- Stefano Duca "Emergence of Cooperation in Structured Populations: Groups Splitting and the Role of Stochasticity" (advisor: Frey)
- Javier Enrique Cuesta Rueda "On a non-commutative version of the Darmois-Skitovich theorem" (advisor: Wolf)
- Ernest C. Yeung "Quantum super-A-Polynomials" (advisor: Sulkowsi)
- Markus Josef Dierigl "Towards a Topological Theory for Domain Walls in (Super-)Yang-Mills Theories" (advisor: Dvali)
- Markus Alexander Ebert "Monojet Distributions at the LHC as a Diagnostic Tool for Dark Matter Couplings" (advisor: Beneke)
- Pavel Hájek "On Manifolds with Corners" (advisor: Cieliebak)
- Michael Roland Wolff "The PCR using laser-heated nanoparticles" (advisor: Gerland)
- Christian Schmid "Lie Algebroids and Non-Geometry in String Theory" (advisor: Blumenhagen)
- Mauro Miguel Monsalve Mercado "Geometric Structures on Type IIB Supergravity Backgrounds and Implications for their FIeld Theory Duals" (advisor: Erdmenger)
- Stanislav Schmidt "Gauge Fields and Topology: Theory and Application" (advisor: Dvali)
- Roberto Oliveri "Gravitational Shockwaves on BTZ Black Holes" (advisor: Sachs)
- Nils-Oliver Linden "Open and Reduced Wilson Chains for Quantum Impurity Models" (advisor: Pollet)
- Flavio Carlos Montiel Montoya "Bound states of symmetry defects in topological Landau-Ginzburg models" (advisor: Brunner)
- Paco Giudice "On the Parametrization of Inflation" (advisor: Mukhanov)
- Christian Heinrich Behrens "Ground State Phase Diagram of the three-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model with anisotropic hopping" (advisor: Pollet)
- Vanessa Paulisch "Quantum Information Assisted by One-Dimensional Waveguides" (advisor: Cirac)
- Severin Lüst "Consistent Truncations and SU(2)-Structure Compactifications" (advisor: Grimm)
- Johannes Ruhl "Non-Colliding Markov Chains" (advisor: Wachtel)
- Han Yu "Randomness, a point of view in dynamical systems with applications statistical physics and number theory" (advisor: Pickl)
- Johannes Michael Hauschild "Detecting Phase Transitions in Anisotropic Heisenberg Models with the Stochastic Series Expansion" (advisor: Heidrich-Meisner)
- Thomas Frerix "Quaternionic Shape Analysis" (advisor: Cremers)
- Kevin Jägering "Majorana Fermions in Superconducting Quantum Wires" (advisor: von Delft)
- Lukas Weidinger "Longer-ranged interactions in quantum point contacts" (advisor: von Delft)
- Simon Adrian Weidinger "Magnon-Magnon interactions and Higgs mode in quantum antiferromagnets in Raman scattering" (advisor: Zwerger)
- Manuel Hubert Wickmann "On the Martin Boundary of the Galton-Watson Process" (advisor: Wachtel)
- Mykhaylo Panchenko "Nonperturbative Aspects of Quantum Field Theory" (advisor: Dvali)
- Matthias Reiter "From Single Cell Migration to Collective Motion: A Computational Model for Tissue Dynamics" (advisor: Frey)
- Anton Samojlow "Non-binding of strongly coupled many-polarons in dimensions two and three" (advisor: Sørensen)
- Maximilian Alfred Girlich "Simulating Continious Quantum Systems by Mean Field Fluctuations" (advisor: Keyl)
- Paul Pfeiffer "Quantum Memristors" (advisor: Solano/von Delft)
- Dominik Schröder "Phase transitions in the density of states of quantum spin glasses" (advisor: Erdös)
- Sebastian Zell "A corpuscular picture of gravitational scattering" (advisor: Dvali)
- Felix Maria Kempf "Interaction of Dislocation Pairs in a Flocking Model at High Density" (advisor: Frey)
- Dimitri Pimenov "Fermi-Edge Polaritons with Finite Hole Mass" (advisor: von Delft)
- Simone Anna Elvira Rademacher "Energy Levels of Dipoles in Graphene" (advisor: Siedentop)
- Toni Scharle "The Local Boundedness of Gradients of Solutions to Elliptic and Parabolic phi-Laplacian Systems" (advisor: Diening)
- Bernhard Lohner "Reaction-Diffusion Systems with Conservation of Mass" (advisor: Frey)
- Valenti Vall Camell "Branes, Monodromies and Non-Geometric Backgrounds" (advisor: Lüst)
- Nina Kudryashova "Post-Inflation Stability of the GEF Mechanism" (advisor: Dvali)
- Moritz Binder "Minimally Entangled Typical Thermal States for the evaluation of finite-temperature correlation and response functions" (advisor: Schollwöck)
- Isabella Ruth Krämer "Studies of totally asymmetric simple exclusion processes in different diffusive environments" (advisor: Frey)
- Patrick Wilke "Molecular Transport in Cylindrical Geometries - Geometric Frustration in Periodically Intersecting Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Processes" (advisor: Frey)
- Lukas Nickel "On Relativistic Interactions in Quantum Theories" (advisor: Dürr)
- Florian Stecker "The Moduli Space of Higher Rank Higgs Bundles" (advisor: Weiß)
- Laurent Beauregard "On a statistical mechanical approach to self-gravitating systems" (advisor: Hofmann)
- Adrian Dietlein "Absence of Anderson orthogonality for localised Anderson models" (advisor: Müller)
- Andreas Bluhm "On the Area Law for the Entropy of Entanglement for Gapped Systems" (advisor: Bachmann)
- Sebastian Walter Greiner "Mirror Symmetry of Calabi-Yau Four-Folds with non-trivial Cohomology of odd Degrees" (advisor: Grimm)
- Bernhard Pfirsch "A Semiclassical Approximation to the Quantum Propagator for Weyl-Quantized Subquadratic Hamiltonians" (advisor: Sørensen)
- Benjamin Spreng "Quantum quenches with bosonic ladders in artificial gauge fields" (advisor: Pollet)
- Felix Hänle "Second Quantization of Liénard-Wiechert Fields" (advisor: Deckert)
- Andreas Christian Swoboda "Coulomb-Volkov Corrections in the Context of Time-dependent Surface Flux Methods" (advisor: Scrinzi)
- Robin Schlenga "On the Physical Origin of the Lamb Shift" (advisor: Dürr)
- Shan Wei "Poroelasticity and the Biot Consolidation Model" (advisor: extern)
- Florian Werner Johann Wolf "Flux-Scaling Scenarios for Moduli Stabilization in String Theory and Axion Monodromy Inflation" (advisor: Blumenhagen)
- Maximilian Paul Bode "Corpuscular Skyrmions" (advisor: Dvali)
- Fridtjof Brauns "A New Pattern Formation Mechanism in Budding Yeast" (advisor: Frey)
- Alexis Kassiteridis "From parton model to bound states" (advisor: Hofmann)
- Nils Prigge "Schoen surfaces from a topological perspective" (advisor: Kotschick)
- Abhishek Khanna "Scale vs Conformal Invariance in Field Theories" (advisor: Sachs)
- Nina Anne Renate Miekley "Holographic entanglement entropy: temperature and flavour contributions" (advisor: Erdmenger)
- Leila Mirzagholi "On the Recently Proposed Mimetic Dark Matter and its Modifications" (advisor: Mukhanov)
- Markus Hartmut Nöth "The Unruh-effect without observer" (advisor: Dürr)
- Philipp Moritz Geiger "Condensation and Coexistence in the Antisymmetric Lotka-Volterra Equation" (advisor: Frey)
- Anna Sophie Hackenbroich "Inverse-square t-J-V models as parent Hamiltonians for lattice Halperin states" (advisor: Cirac)
- Johannes Ehrmaier "Mechanisms of solar water splitting: Photodetachment of H-atoms from Heterocyclic Organic Radicals" (advisor: Domcke)
- Jan Mölter "On Anderson orthogonality within the interacting and non-interacting Luttinger-Sy model" (advisor: Müller)
- Mykhaylo Kogan "Application of the Generalized Auxuliary Current Description to de Sitter space-time" (advisor: Hofmann)
- Yuta Sekiguchi "Type IIB Calabi-Yau Orientifolds, Non-geometric fluxes, and Moduli Stabilization --- A Flux-Scaling Scenario and Its Phenomenology" (advisor: Blumenhagen)
- Gytis Kulaitis "Comparing Different Mathematical Definitions of 2D CFT" (advisor: Schottenloher)
- Dominik Hangleiter "Certification of Quantum Simulations" (advisor: Eisert)
- Yigit Yargic "Two-Loop Gauge Unification in Intersecting D7-Brane Models with Left-Right Symmetry" (advisor: Blumenhagen)
- Christoph Kehle "Interpolation of Hartree-Fock- and Müller Functional: Investigation of Continuity and Existence of a Minimiser" (advisor: Siedentop)
- Aaron Schaal "Derivation and Meaning of the Newton-Schrödinger Equation" (advisor: Dürr)
- Nelvis Fornasin "Equivariant cohomology and localization" (advisor: Görtsches)
- Florian Bernd Johannes Dorsch "Energy Levels of Dipoles generated by Point-Charges in Graphene" (advisor: Siedentop)
- Matteo Parisi "Symmetries of the Tree Amplituhedron" (advisor: Ferro)
- Joost Simon Wit "The Balck Hole N-Portrait: Quantum Computing in Critical Bose-Einstein Systems" (advisor: Dvali)
- Ruth Schulte "Boundary Effects on Alloy-Type Anderson Schrödinger Operators: Spectral Shift Functions and Entanglement Entropy" (advisor: Müller)
- Oksana Iarygina "Corpuscular Effects and Scattering on Coherent States" (advisor: Dvali)
- Lea Boßmann "On the Dipole Approximation" (advisor: Dürr)
- Leonard Stimpfle "Kähler and Sasaki Manifolds of Cohomogeneity One" (advisor: Görtsches)
- Fabian Bernd Kugler "Fermi Edge Singularity and the Functional Renormalization Group" (advisor: von Delft)
- Daniel González Cuadra "Quantum Simulations of Abelian Lattice Gauge Theories with Ultracold Atoms" (advisor: Cirac)
- Martin Vogrin "Superconformal interfaces in two dimensions and their g-function" (advisor: Mayr)
- Kilian Mayer "Higher derivatives in M-theory and type IIA compactifications on Calabi-Yau threefolds" (advisor: Grimm)
- David Licht "Decay of Black Holes as Bound States and Hawking Radiation" (advisor: Hofmann)
- Philip Betzler "T-duality and Mirror Symmetry" (advisor: Lüst)
- Johannes Frank König "keV Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter from Singlet Scalar Decays" (advisor: Raffelt)
- Margret Hildegard Heinze "Controllability of the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard model" (advisor: Keyl)
- Andreas Bauer "Symmetries and excitations in the quantum double models --- a tensor network approach" (advisor: Schuch)
- Abhiram Mamandur Kidambi "Aspects of black holes in Chern-Simons (Super)-Gravity and AdS/CFT" (advisor: Erdmenger)
- Carlo Cascio "Emission in Photonic Crystals" (advisor: Schollwöck)
- Tailin Li "One-Loop Einstein-Hilbert term in minimally supersymmetric type IIB T^6/Z_N orientifolds" (advisor: Haack)
- Juan Sebastian Cruz Avendano "Scattering of a Particle and a Black Hole described as a Bound State" (advisor: Dvali)
- Pavel Kos "Quantum Spin Liquid Ground States of the Heisenberg-Kitaev Model on the Triangular Lattice" (advisor: Punk)
- Marin Ferara "Introduction to Resurgence of Quartic Scalar Theory" (advisor: Sachs)
- Mareike Elena Bojer "Study of the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process on a lenth changing lane in a diffusive environment" (advisor: Frey)
- Wonyl Choi "On the Mathematical Represenation of Linguistic Structure" (advisor: Panagiotou)
- Hannes Herrmann "Finding Stationary States by Interacting Quantum Worlds" (advisor: Deckert)
- Ismail Achmed-Zade "Stringy T^3-fibrations, T-folds and Mirror symmetry" (advisor: Lüst)
- Ga-Ram Jeong "Stabilization of vacuum bubbles with weakly interacting medium fields" (advisor: Dvali)
- Ottavia Balducci "Graviton Quantum Tree Graphs" (advisor: Hofmann)
- Andreas Wegscheider "The eikonal approximation for scattering of a test particle on an N particle state" (advisor: Hofmann)
- Leo Johannes Martin Stenzel "A DMRG study of the Fermi-Hubbard model in hybrid space" (advisor: Schollwöck)
- Oriol Servera Sirés "Periodic orbits in high-dimensional Lotka-Volterra networks" (advisor: Frey)
- Simon Bürger "LSZ Reduction in QFT and Lattice Systems" (advisor: Dybalski)
- Dmytro Bondarenko "Tree tensor network approximations to conformal field theories" (advisor: König)
- Aris Konstantinos Papaioannou "Magnetic Monopoles in Gauge Theories" (advisor: Hamilton)
- Stephen Brennan "Surface gravity in dynamical spherically symmetric spacetimes" (advisor: Sachs)
- Michael Volpp "Running of Radiative Neutrino Masses --- A Study Of The Zee-Babu Model" (advisor: Raffelt)
- Alessandro Giacomo Bottero "Analysis of a two species TASEP as a model for heterogeneous transport on microtubules" (advisor: Frey)
- Hannah Julia Ochner "On Singularities in Bohmian Quantum Gravity" (advisor: Dürr )
- Spyridon Dimoudis "The Helffer-Sjörstrand Formula and Random Schrödinger Operators" (advisor: Müller)
- Daniel Steffens "Implications of Unitarity on the Structure of Scattering Amplitudes in Higher Spin Theories" (advisor: Sachs)
- Martin Philip Dupont "On the Practical Applications of Information Field Dynamics" (advisor: Enßlin)
- Laura Hui-Shin Shou "Stability of the Hall Conductance" (advisor: Warzel)
- Thomas Steingasser "A field theoretic Approach to solitonic Moduli and its Connection with Spacetime Geometry" (advisor: Hofmann)
- Ludwig Fürst "On the Quantization of the Hall Conductance for Many-Body Interactions on a Torus" (advisor: Bachmann)
- Filip Kozarski "Analysis of the extended Harper-Hofstadter-Mott model using reciprocal cluster mean field theory" (advisor: Pollet)
- Simon-Raphael Fischer "Existence of Thin Shell Wormholes Using Non-Linear Distributional Geometry'' (advisor: Hamilton)
- Francesco Battistel "General Quantum Error Correction for MERA Codes" (advisor: König)
- Ilya Kull "Classification of Matrix Product States with a Local (Gauge) Symmetry" (advisor: Cirac)
- Alexander Tabler "Monodromy of q-difference equations in 3D supersymmetric gauge theories" (advisor: Mayr)
- Marcel Oliver Schaub "A Second Order Ground State Energy Expansion for the Dilute Bose Gas" (advisor: Sørensen)
- Konstantin Konrad Christoph Eder "Quantum Theory of Charged Black-Hole Horizons" (advisor: Sahlmann)
- Vivian Anthony Britto "A Mathematical Construction of an E_6 Grand Unified Theory" (advisor: Hamilton)
- Juraj Vrabel "Associative division algebras in field theories and non-commutative geometry" (advisor: Jurco)
- Daniel Konstantin Thung "Invariant Geometric Structures and Chern Numbers of G_2 Flag Manifolds" (advisor: Kotschick)
- Pablo Sala de Torres Solanot "A time-dependent Gaussian variational description of Lattice Gauge Theories" (advisor: Cirac)
- Julian Bender "Digital quantum simulation of lattice gauge theory" (advisor: Cirac)
- Leopold Karl Kellers "Making Use of Quantum Trajectories for Numerical Purposes" (advisor: Deckert)
- Siddhant Das "Arrival Time Distributions of spin-1/2 Particles" (advisor: Dürr)
- Francesco Romano "Early-warning signs for critical transitions in stochastic differential equations" (advisor: Kühn)
- Grzegorz Aleksander Gradziuk "Scaling behaviour of cycling frequencies in active biological assemblies" (advisor: Frey)
- Federico Roccati "Novel simulation techniques for a sterile neutrino seach with KATRIN" (advisor: Mertens)
- Andrea Morelato "Salter manifolds and inequivalent symplectic structures" (advisor: Kotschick)
- Korbinian Pöppel "Complex Patterns And Their Transitions In A Mass Conserving Reaction-Diffusion-System" (advisor: Frey)
- Nils Fritiof Persson "The No-Ghost Theorem of the BRST Quantised Bosonic String" (advisor: Helling)
- Johannes Feldmeier "Spectral Functions and Exact Solutions in a Quantum Dimer Model for Pseudogap Metals" (advisor: Punk)
- Daniel Wolfgang Issing "The Quantum Determinant of the Elliptic Quantum Algebra $ \cal A _ q.p (\hat gl _N)$" (advisor: extern)
- Matthias Maximilian Englbrecht "Robust Preparation of Logical Basis States in Planar Codes" (advisor: König)
- Georgios Lioutas "Probing Skyrmion black holes" (advisor: Hofmann)
- Daniel Weiss "Spectral Theory of Inductive Limit C*-Algebras and Application to Loop Quantum Gravity" (advisor: Hofmann)
- Johannes Sedlmeir "The Vlasoc equation for multiple particle types" (advisor: Pickl)
- Max Christian Bollmann "A Web of Theories: Relating Scattering Amplitudes via Transmutation Operators" (advisor: Ferro)
- Simon Maximilian Weinzierl "Buildings, Amalgams and Reductive Linear Algebraic Groups" (advisor: Morel)
- Nina-Maria Gottschling "Gamma convergence of the Levy-Lieb density functional to the Thomas-Fermi functional" (advisor: Nam)
- Franz Xaver Sax "On Classical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics on Shape Space" (advisor: Dürr)
- Benedikt Wegener "The problem of equivalence of different gauges in External Current QED" (advisor: Dybaslksi)
- Christoph Herbert Lienhard "Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Sampling for Fields" (advisor: Ensslin)
- Llorenç Espinosa-Portalés "On the emergence of Bekenstein entropy from spherical symmetry and quantum criticality" (advisor: Dvali)
- Matteo Scandi "Quantifying Dissipation via Thermodynamic Length" (advisor: Cirac)
- Kilian Adriano Lieret "Construction of Angular Observables Sensitive to New Physics in $\bar B\to D^*\tau^-\bar\nu_\tau$ Decays and Measurements of Differential Cross Sections of $\bar B\to D^*\ell^- \bar\nu_\ell$ Decays with Hadronic Tagging at Belle" (advisor: Kuhr)
- Jan-Niklas Toelstede "Renormalization of SMEFT operators by Super-Heat-Kernel Expansion" (advisor: Buchalla)
- Otari Sakhelashvili "On topological structure of QCD vacuum and Chiral symmetry breaking" (advisor: Dvali)
- Lukas Rauber "Quantum Compression and Fixed Points of Schwarz Maps" (advisor: Wolf)
- Marco Orts "Geometric Particle-in-Cell Methods for Magnetohydrodynamics" (advisor: Gerland)
- Jonas Vincent Bucher "A Survey of Low-Rank Methods with Applications in Computational Physics and Spectra of Fully-Correlated Helium" (advisor: Scrinzi)
- Albertus Johannes Jacobus Maria de Klerk "Energy Conservation in Open Quantum Systems" (advisor: Schollwöck)
- Maximilian Emanuel Kurthen "Baysian Causal Inference" (advisor: Ensslin)
- Sascha Lill "Existence of Multi-Time Dynamics in a Quantum Field Theory Model" (advisor: Tomulka)
- Yannick Michael Herbert Couzinié "Sublinearly reinforced Pólya urns on graphs of bounded degree" (advisor: Heydenreich)
- Roberto Caroli "Cosmological aspects of Mimetic Gravity" (advisor: Sachs)
- Pantelis Fragkos "Monodromy Defects in Linear Sigma Models" (advisor: Brunner)
- Robert Salzmann "Derivation of the 3D energy-critical non-linear Schrödinger equation and Bogoliubov excitations for Bose gases" (advisor: Nam)
- Matthias Michael Zipper "Effects of dimension-six operators of the Standard Model on top quark mass determination at a future lepton collider" (advisor: Beneke)
- Michael Zantedeschi "The parameter space of locked inflation and corrections to modulated reheating" (advisor: Dvali)
- David Alexander Wierichs "Thermalization of a Cavity Mode in the Presence of a Dye Molecule" (advisor: Schollwöck)
- Max Snijders "Automatic Probabilistic Modelling of Dynamical Systems Based on Global Geometry and Topology of Data" (advisor: extern)
- Dennis Gallenmüller "Hyperkähler quotients and their application to the moduli space of weak solutions to Nahm's equations" (advisor: Swoboda)
- Fabian Engelniederhammer "Symplectic Embedding of Poly-Cylinders" (advisor: Vogel)
- Tobias Benjamin Russ "On Singularity Resolution in Asymptotically Free Mimetic Gravity" (advisor: Mukhanov)
- Alexander Alfred Wierzba "Parametrodynamics" (advisor: Schuller)
- Evangelos Giantsos "N=2 Superconformal Interfaces" (advisor: Brunner)
- Benedikt Remlein "Non-equilibrium criticality in isostatic spring-networks" (advisor: Broedersz)
- Anamaria Hell "The massless limit of interacting Proca theory" (advisor: Mukhanov)
- Brin Verheijden "Two-Species Quantum Dimer Models on the Triangular Lattice" (advisor: Punk)
- Austris Akmentins "Optimal initialization of a quantum dot" (advisor: von Delft)
- Patrick Angus Hager "Smooth Interface Geometries and Unitarity in Curved Space-Times" (advisor: Hofmann)
- Markus Hasenöhrl "Interaction-Free Discrimination of Quantum Channels" (advisor: Wolf)
- Max Bramberger "Two Level System in a Bath of Morse Oscillators" (advisor: Schollwöck)
- Khoirul Faiq Muzakka "Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian with Two Scalars and SO(6)/SO(5) Composite Higgs Model" (advisor: Buchalla)
- Patrick Schnell "Dynamical structure factor of a chiral spin liquid" (advisor: Pollmann)
- Jan Michael Mandrysch "The necessity of indefinite metric Hilbert spaces in covariant gauge formulations of QED " (advisor: Dybalski)
- Gabriel Torregrosa Cortés "Effects of coloured noise in systems out of equilibrium" (advisor: )
- Johanna Christina Mayer "Two species of Self-Propelled Particles Interacting in a Snowdrift Game Scenario" (advisor: Frey)
- Oliver Benedikt Zier "The physics of the interstellar medium" (advisor: extern)
- Maximilian Heinz Ruep "On Self-Adjointness of Noether Charges in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory" (advisor: Dybalski)
- Michael Hofstetter "Maximum of the Ginzburg-Landau $\nabla$-interface model" (advisor: extern)
- Llibert Aresté Saló "Eigenspectrum of Fubini-Lipatov instanton solutions" (advisor: )
- Daniel Panea Lichtig "Testing Swampland Conjectures and the Emergence Proposal in a two-parameter Calabi-Yau model" (advisor: Lüst)
- Seyed Pouria Mazloumi "All multiplicity Einstein Yang-Mills amplitudes relations" (advisor: Stieberger)
- Martin Enriquez Rojo "Swampland Conjectures for N=1 Orientifolds" (advisor: Plauschinn/Lüst)
- Arman Korajac "Exploring Drell-Yan tails at the Large Hadron Collider" (advisor: Weiler)
- Eyup Samet Balkan "The Matsusaka-Ran Criterion" (advisor: Schneider)
- Leonardo García Heveling "On the double complex of bi-Lagrangian structures" (advisor: Kotschick)
- Zhiyuan Wei "Directional superradiant generation of strongly-entangled photonic states" (advisor: Cirac)
- Borislav Polovnikov "Fluctuations and Criticality in Reaction-Diffusion Systems" (advisor: Broedersz)
- Julian Johannes Freigang "Yang Mills Theory From String Field Theory" (advisor: Sachs)
- Christian Koke "The Segal-Bargmann Space As The Infinite Radius Limit Of Geometrically Quantized Two-Spheres" (advisor: Hofmann)
- Aleksander \L ukasz Strzelczyk "Towards Classification of the Indecomposable Summands of Motives over Number Fields" (advisor: Semenov)
- Lukas Mikio Nakamura "Non-regidity Results for non-Legendrian and C^0-limits of Legendrian Submanifolds" (advisor: Vogel)
- Teresa Dimitra Karanikolaou "Continuous Tensor Network States" (advisor: Cirac)
- José Diogo de Figueiredo e Simão "On the Causal Structure of Quantum Space-Time" (advisor: Hofmann)
- Yoobin Jeong "Embedding and Projection maps in Quantum Geometry" (advisor: Oriti)
- Simon Hirscher "Some details of the proof of the Positive-Mass Theorem in higher dimensions" (advisor: external)
- Sören Arlt "Dynamics of the Antisymmetric Lotka-Volterra Equation for 1D and 2D Systems" (advisor: Frey)
- Andriana Makridou "String Vacua and the Swampland" (advisor: Blumenhagen)
- Juan Sébastian Valbuena Bermúdez "Erasure of Topological Defects: Vortex Unwinding by Domain Wall Sweeping" (advisor: Dvali)
- Hrólfur Ásmundsson "String Field Theory Toy Models; Intermediate Field Decomposition and Effective Description" (advisor: Sachs)
- Henrik Weyer "Long-scale dynamics of mass-con\-ser\-ving reaction-diffusion models" (advisor: Frey)
- Richard Georg Swiderski "Critical Behaviour of Logistically Growing Auto-Chemotactic Cells: A Renormalisation Group Analysis" (advisor: Frey)
- Florian Raßhofer "A Renormalization Group Approach to the Critical Behavior of Dividing Chemotactic Cells" (advisor: Frey)
- Jasper van der Kolk "Renormalisation Group Analysis of Logistically Growing Auto-Chemotactic Bacteria" (advisor: Frey)
- Zhen Xu "Renormalons and Top Quark Observables with Jet Substructure" (advisor: Beneke)
- Felix Feist "The Zeno Effect in Quantum Arrival Times" (advisor: Pickl)
- Matej Logar "Importance of the recoil for the existence and properties of the atom-photon bound state" (advisor: Schollwöck)
- Georgios Papagoudis "Towards Bimetric Supergravity" (advisor: Lüst)
- Juan Antonio Guerrero Montero "Reaction-diffusion systems on dynamically evolving surfaces" (advisor: Frey)
- Juan Mauricio Valencia Villegas "Dynamical Features of UV-Completion by Classicalization" (advisor: Dvali)
- Simon Kuhn "Focusing instabilities and singularities in pp-wave spacetimes" (advisor: Sachs)
- Bláithín Power "Conformal symmetry predictions for on-shell scattering amplitudes" (advisor: Henn)
- Julia Brunkert "Effective theories for pseudogap metals" (advisor: Punk)
- Mathis Gerdes "Deep Learning Calabi-Yau Metrics" (advisor: Lüst)
- Lexin Ding "Fermionic Entanglement and Correlation" (advisor: Schilling)
- Davide De Biasio "Geometric Flow Equations, the Swampland Program and Schwarzschild-AdS Space-time" (advisor: Lüst)
- Joan Bernabeu Gómez "Axion Allignment During Inflation" (advisor: Dvali)
- Santiago Aguirre Lamus "Multiloop functional renormalization group in the Keldysh formalism --- A study of the single-impurity Anderson model" (advisor: von Delft)
- Anxiang Ge "Analytic Continuation of Correlators from the Matsubara to the Keldysh Formalism" (advisor: von Delft)
- Konstantinos Karampelas "D-Brane and O-Plane Einstein-Hilbert term Corrections in Type I String Theory" (advisor: Haack)
- Daniel González Cuadra "Higgs mechanisom as an alternative to confinement in Yang-Mills theories" (advisor: Cirac)
- Lukas Josef Anton Homeier "Analog quantum simulation and single hole doping of Z2 lattice gauge theories" (advisor: Schollwöck)
- Janni Harju "Statistical tools for interpreting single-cell contact data" (advisor: Brodersz)
- Angelo Brillante Romeo "Fidelity Estimates for Noisy Quantum Circuits with Haar-Random Gates" (advisor: König)
- Matteo Ciarchi "Noise Induced Patterns in Extended Systems" (advisor: Frey)
- Patricia Ribes Metidieri "Exploring Quantum Field Theory in Curved Space-times with Extended Information Networks" (advisor: Lüst)
- Matthias Carosi "Yang-Mills and Proca Theory from the spinning particle in the BRST formalism" (advisor: Sachs)
- Florian Pandler "Aspects of Top Quark Decay and Production in the SMEFT" (advisor: Buchalla)
- Wilhelm Kadow "Hole Dynamics in the t-J Model on the Triangular Lattice" (advisor: Knap)
- Merik Niemeyer "Geometrische Formalität von Drei-Mannigfaltigkeiten" (advisor: Kotschick)
- Ankit Shrestha "Constraining models of inflation with galaxy clustering" (advisor: Schmidt)
- Michael Reichert "Geometric Pattern Selection in Reaction-Diffusion Systems" (advisor: Frey)
- Panagiotis Rigatos "QCD factorization of the four lepton decay B^- \rightarrow \ell \bar \nu _ \ell \ell' \bar \ell'" (advisor: Beneke)
- Yilun Yang "Spectral Analysis of Quantum Many Body Systems with Tensor Network Algorithms" (advisor: Cirac)
- Valentin Leeb "Anomalous Quantum Oscillations in a Heterostructure of Graphene on a Proximate Quantum Spin Liquid" (advisor: Knolle)
- Rafael Álvarez-García "Periods and Moduli Stabilization near the Conifold" (advisor: Blumenhagen)
- Severin Angerpointner "Complex Reaction Networks --- A Study of the Formose Reaction" (advisor: Frey)
- Frederik Pfeiffer "Extended PAM in the context of SmB6 and Cold Atoms in optical lattices: a DMFT/DCA + NRG study" (advisor: von Delft)
- Charlotte Dietze "Dispersive Estimates for Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equations with External Potentials" (advisor: Phan)
- Giacomo Contri "Limits of Approximately Thermal Evolution in Field Theories" (advisor: Dvali)
- Lukas Krumpeck "Phase Transitions in $ \cal N =(2,2)$ Gauged Linear Sigma Models with Defects" (advisor: Brunner)
- Flavio Rossetti "The Wave Equation in Cosmological Spacetimes" (advisor: Natário)
- Janik Kruse "The Nelson Model on Static Spacetimes" (advisor: Lampart)
- Johan Jacoby Klemmensen "On Classifying Solutions of the Kapustin-Witten Equations via Higgs Bundles" (advisor: Kotschick)
- Stefan Birnkammer " Confinement in Condensed Matter Systems --- Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium" (advisor: Knap)
- Chun Yin Lam "Bogoliubov excitation spectrum for mean-field Bose gases with general interactions" (advisor: Phan)
- Kianusch Vahid Yousefnia "Bayesian approach to long-range correlations and multiplicity fluctuations in nucleus-nucleus collisions" (advisor: Ollitrault)
- Samuel Scalet "Computable R\'enyi Mutual Informations: Area Laws and Correlations" (advisor: Phan)
- Daesik Kim "Bosons in the Lowest Landau Level --– A Path Integral Approach to Electromagnetic Response" (advisor: Moroz)
- Martin Peev "Non-Commutative Regularity Structures" (advisor: Phan)
- Florian Michael Haberberger "Complete BEC for trapped Bosons with Neumann Boundary Conditions in the Gross-Pitaevskii Regime" (advisor: Hainzl)
- Loek van Rossem "The Shape of Vision: Decoding the Primary Visual Cortex with Homology" (advisor: Stemmler)
- Jonathan Lukas Korbinian König "Encircling Non-Hermitian Degeneracies" (advisor: Cirac)
- Dominik Haslehner "Spinors, Amplitudes and Unitarity: (Non-)Renormalization of Gravity from On-Shell Methods" (advisor: Weiler)
- Enric Solé-Farré "Instantons and Foliations: Moduli Spaces of Instantons on Foliated Manifolds" (advisor: Kotschick)
- Boris Betancourt Kamenetskaia "Boson Stars: Structure, Evolution and Detection. A Theoretical Proposal" (advisor: Ibarra)
- Paul Manuel Schindler "A Variational Method for the Quantum Sherrington Kirkpatrick Model" (advisor: Cirac)
- Silvia Gasparotto "Cosmic Birefringence from Axion Monodromy Potential" (advisor: Komatsu)
- Richard Maximilian Milbradt "Dual-, Ternary- and (\Delta+1)-Unitaries: A path to exact solutions of dynamics for multidimensional quantum lattices" (advisor: Mendl)
- Miaohan Long "2D Topological Quantum Field Theories" (advisor: Hensel)
- Anca-Victoria Preda "SO(10) Grand Unified Theory: from proton decay to LHC" (advisor: Dvali)
- Anja Stuhlfauth "Phenomenology of a light Higgs Triplet in SU(5)" (advisor: Dvali)
- Raúl Morral Yepes "String order in measurement-induced symmetry-protected topological phases" (advisor: Pollmann)
- Enya Hsiao "Unbounded Pontryagin numbers on nonnegatively curved spin manifolds" (advisor: Kotschick)
- Zhongda Zeng "Variational theory of Angulons and their rotational spectroscopy" (advisor: Cirac)
- Gabriel Schmid "On 3-Dimensional Quantum Gravity and Quasi-Local Holography in Spin Foam Models and Group Field Theory" (advisor: Oriti)
- Fabian Wagner "Towards a Canonical Form for Elliptic Feynman Integrals" (advisor: Henn)
- Simon Felix Langenscheidt "Superposed Random Spin Tensor Networks and their Holographic Properties" (advisor: Oriti)
- Paula Naomi Pilatus "Born Geometry" (advisor: Kotschick)
- Dorothea-Enrica von Criegern "The Liquid Drop Model: An Analysis of Non-Spherical Equilibrium Sets" (advisor: Sørensen)
- Gonzalo Fernández Casas "AdS_4 orientifold vacua, (in)stability of membranes and their Weak Gravity Conjecture" (advisor: Sachs)
- Andrii Dashko "Debye mass effects in the Dark Sector in the Early Universe" (advisor: Brambilla)
- Alexander Mayer "Topological Data Analysis of the Cosmic Web" (advisor: Weller)
- Sebastian Albrecht "Formulation of Batalin-Vilkovisky Field Theories as Homotopy Lie Algebras" (advisor: Sachs)
- Yahui Li "Hilbert Space Fragmentation in Open Quantum Systems" (advisor: Pollmann)
- Lukas Wangler "Motional Effects in Subwavelength Arrays of Atoms" (advisor: Cirac)
- Filippo De Luca "Pattern Formation of Active Filaments with Polar and Antipolar Interactions" (advisor: Frey)
- Sara Maggio "The role of high nucleon density on neutrino production in exploding Supernovae" (advisor: Weiler)
- Jonas Habel "Effects of Magnon-Magnon Interactions on Chiral Edge Modes in Topological Magnon Insulators" (advisor: Knolle)
- Denis Murphy "Metastable Vacuum Decay at Finite Temperature" (advisor: Garbrecht)
- Seyf Kaddachi "Inconsistencies in DKMM-refined KKLT placing it in the swampland" (advisor: Blumenhagen)
- Conall Vincent McCabe "Quantum Simulation of Lattice Quantum Electrodynamics using Rydberg Tweezer Arrays" (advisor: Grusdt)
- Dusan Novicic "Generalised Global Symmetries in Axion Electrodynamics" (advisor: L?st)
- Beatrice Nettuno "The Role of Diffusion and Temporary Immunization in the Classification of Absorbing Phase Transitions" (advisor: Frey)
- Christoph Metzl "Determining the Influence of Diffusion and Temporary Immunization of the Critical Behaviour of Absorbing Phase Transitions with Large Scale Stochastic Simulations" (advisor: Frey)
- Davide Toffenetti "The Effect of Temporary Immunization and Diffusion on the Critical Properties of Epidemics Models" (advisor: Frey)
- Deepak Aryal "Quotient Symmetry Protected Topological Phenomena" (advisor: Pollmann)
- Pit Bermes "Magnon Exitations in two-dimensional doped Anti-ferromagnets" (advisor: Grusdt)
- Aron Kerschbaumer "Quantum-Informed Optimization Algorithms" (advisor: Mendl)
- Arthur Kosmala "Ewald-based Long-Range Message Passing for Molecular Graphs" (advisor: Günnemann)
- Ralf Konietzka "Phase Space Analysis of the Local Interstellar Medium --- The Oscillation of the Radcliffe Wave" (advisor: Burkert)
- Xiyuan Gao "Spontaneous CP violation and Flavor Changing Neutral Currents in Minimal SO(10)" (advisor: Senjanovic)
- Yoon Yun Chan "The Absence of Phase Transitions And The Recursion Method" (advisor: Jansen)
- Michelangelo Tartaglia "Self-dual fields in 6D Supergravity" (advisor: Lüst)
- Julian Bösl "Excitations in Higher Moment Conserving Systems" (advisor: Knap)
- Loïc Honet "2-Group Symmetries in Quantum Field Theories: an Algebraic Approach" (advisor: extern)
- David García Heredia "Cosmological inhomogeneities from the Group Field Theory approach to Quantum Gravity" (advisor: Oriti)
- Marcin Stankiewicz "Cosmology-hydrodynamics correspondence via conformal symmetry" (advisor: Oriti)
- Martina Jung "Bose-Einstein condensation for hard-core bosons" (advisor: Schilling)
- Helene Lösl "Polarons in the triangular t-J Model" (advisor: Grusdt)
- Andreas Tsevas "Universal Mechanisms of Spontaneous Cell Polarization" (advisor: Frey)
- Jan Kochanowski "Static and Dynamic Properties of Quantum Spin Systems at Non-Zero T" (advisor: Cirac)
- Avedis Neehus "Dirac Fermions with Topological Mass Disorder" (advisor: Knolle)
- Antonia Eirini Paraskevopoulou "The Emergence Proposal with Multiple Moduli Fields" (advisor: Blumenhagen)
- Lukas Komisel "Metastable Discharges of False Vacua by Memory Burden" (advisor: Dvali)
- Jonas Peteranderl "Degenerate stability of the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequality along the Felli-Schneider curve" (advisor: Frank)
- Martin Link "Covariant Multipole Expansions in Non-Relativistic Effective Field Theories" (advisor: Beneke)
- Marc Machaczek "Neural Network Quantum States for Fracton Models" (advisor: Pollet)
- Benjamin Muntz "Moduli Stabilisation, Racetracks, and the Swampland Programme" (advisor: Blumenhagen)
- Nils Wagner "False Vacuum Decay Of Excited States From Finite-Time Instantons" (advisor: Gabrecht)
- Lukas Kienesberger "The Phase Dilemma and its Ramifications for Computational Complexity in Functional Theory" (advisor: Schilling)
- Josef Emanuel Seitz "Worldvolume Perspectives on Unstable D-brane Systems" (advisor: Dvali)