This is the list of modules from the TMP bylaws (Studien- und Prüfungsordnung). We aim to teach them on an anual basis. The supplemenatry modules can be filled with classes with varying content. To get an idea how this works out, have a look at the courses that were actually taught in the past.
Core Modules
A: Advanced and Applied Quantum Mechanics
- WP3 Solid State Theory (TA1)
- WP4 Mesoscopic Physics (TA2)
- WP5 Many Body Theory (TA3)
- WP6 Condensed Matter Field Theory (TA4)
- WP7 Quantum Optics (TA6)
- WP8 Quantum Information Processing (TA7)
- WP9 Advanced Mathematical Quantum Mechanics (MA1)
- WP10 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations (MA2)
- WP11 Advanced Partial Differential Equations (MA3)
B: Quantum Field Theory and Gauge Theories
C: Cosmology, General Relativity and Differential Geometry
D: Stringtheory and Geometry
E: Statistical Physics and Stochastics