Research Papers
Controlling noise with self-organizedresetting
Felix J. Meigel Steffen Rulands [arXiv:2312.09307] -
A roadmap towards the synthesis of Life
Christine Kriebisch ... Karen Alim ... Erwin Frey Ulrich Gerland ... Job Boekhoven [ChemRxiv:10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-tnx83] -
Availability versus carrying capacity: Phases of asymmetric exclusion processes competing for finite pools of resources
Astik Haldar Parna Roy Erwin Frey Abhik Basu [arXiv:2408.01364] -
Stochastic bubble dynamics in phase-separated scalar active matter
Mingqi Yan Erwin Frey Marcus Müller Stefan Klumppsubmitted for publication.[arXiv:2501.11442] -
Emergent weight morphologies in deep neural networks
Pascal de Jong* Felix Meige* Steffen Rulandssubmitted for publication.[arXiv:2501.05550] -
Universal quasi-particle kinetics control the cell death decision
Felix Meige Lina Hellwig Harald Stachelscheid Philipp Mergenthaler Steffen Rulandssubmitted for publication.[arXiv:2501.04862] -
Collective dynamics of DNA methylation during ageing
Aida Hashtroud Marc Bonder Oliver Stegle Ferdinand von Meyen Wolf Reik Steffen Rulandssubmitted for publication.[bioRxiv:2024.12.15.628564] -
Robust and resource-optimal dynamic pattern formation of Min proteins in vivo
Ziyuan Ren* Henrik Weyer* Michael Sandler* Laeschkir Würthner* Haochen Fu Chanin B. Tangtartharakul Dongyang Li Cindy Sou Daniel Villarreal Judy E. Kim Erwin Frey+ Suckjoon Jun+accepted for publication in Nature Physics.[bioRxiv:2023.08.15.553443] -
Acoustic signaling enables collective perception and control in active matter systems
Alexander Ziepke Ivan Maryshev Igor S. Aranson Erwin Freysubmitted for publication.[arXiv:2410.02940] -
Basic interactions responsible for thymus function explain convoluted medulla shape
David Muramatsu* Henrik Weyer* Florian Gartner Erwin Freysubmitted for publication.[bioRxiv:2024.09.29.615586] -
Deciphering the Interface Laws of Turing Mixtures and Foams
Henrik Weyer Tobias A. Roth Erwin Freysubmitted for publication.[arXiv:2409.20070] -
Chemotaxis-induced phase separation
Henrik Weyer* David Muramatsu* Erwin Freysubmitted for publication.[arXiv:2409.20090] -
Coarsening dynamics of chemotactic aggregates
Henrik Weyer* David Muramatsu* Erwin Freysubmitted for publication.[arXiv:2409.20100] -
Phase Separation on Deformable Membranes: interplay of mechanical coupling and dynamic surface geometry
Antonia Winter* Yuhao Liu* Alexander Ziepke* George Dadunashvili Erwin Freysubmitted for publication in Physical Review E.[arXiv:2409.16049] -
Light-induced cortical excitability reveals programmable shape dynamics in starfish oocytes
Jinghui Liu Tom Burkart Alexander Ziepke John Reinhard Yu-Chen Chao Tzer Han Tan S. Zachary Swartz Erwin Frey Nikta Fakhriaccepted for publication in Nature Physics.[arXiv:2409.08651] -
Transcriptional landscapes underlying Notch-induced lineage conversion and plasticity of mammary basal cells
Candice Merle Calvin Rodrigues Atefeh Pourkhalili Langeroudi Robin Journot Fabian Rost Yiteng Dang Steffen Rulands Silvia Fresubmitted for publication.[bioRxiv:2024.07.04.602034] -
Pre-cancerous Niche Remodelling Dictates Nascent Tumour Survival
G. Skrupskelyte J. E. Rojo Arias Y. Dang S. Han M. T. Bejar B. Colom J. C. Fowler P. H. Jones S. Rulands B. D. Simons M. P. Alcoleasubmitted for publication.[bioRxiv:2024.07.04.602022] -
Self-organising protein-lipid nanodomains (PLDs) enable cell-like membrane reshaping and scission
A.B. Petrova T. Burkart A.F. Montanarella D. Sazcko-Brack L. Würthner A. Graw E. Frey C. Veigelsubmitted for publication. -
Morphology and Motility of Cells on Soft Substrates
Andriy Goychuk David B. Brückner Andrew W. Holle Joachim P. Spatz Chase P. Broedersz Erwin Freysubmitted for publication.[arXiv:1808.00314]
Dimensionality reduction in bulk-boundary reaction-diffusion systems
Tom Burkart Benedikt Müller Erwin Frey [arXiv:2405.08728] -
The role of mobility in epidemics near criticality
Beatrice Nettuno* Davide Toffenetti* Christoph Metzl* Linus Weigand* Florian Raßhofer Richard Swiderski Erwin Frey [arXiv:2402.06505] -
scEpiAge: an age predictor highlighting single-cell ageing heterogeneity in mouse blood
Marc Jan Bonder Stephen J. Clark Felix Krueger Siyuan Luo João Agostinho de Sousa Aida M. Hashtroud Thomas M. Stubbs Anne-Katrien Stark Steffen Rulands Oliver Stegle Wolf Reik Ferdinand von Meyenn -
Field theory of enzyme-substrate systems with restricted long-range interactions
Fabrizio Olmeda Steffen Rulands [arXiv:2401.09827] -
Supramolecular assemblies in active motor-filament systems: micelles, bilayers, and foams
Filippo De Luca Ivan Maryshev Erwin Frey [arXiv:2401.05070] [LMU Press Release (English)] -
Self-consistent sharp interface theory of active condensate dynamics
Andriy Goychuk Leonardo Demarchi Ivan Maryshev Erwin Frey [arXiv:2401.17111] -
Clonal dynamics of surface-driven growing tissues
Ruslan Mukhamadiarov Matteo Ciarchi Fabrizio Olmeda Steffen Rulands [arXiv.2312.01923] -
Design principles for fast and efficient self-assembly processes
Florian M. Gartner Erwin Frey [arXiv:2403.00213] [LMU Press Release] [Synopsis in "Physics"] [News & Views article in "Nature"] -
Compartmentalization and synergy of osteoblasts drive bone formation in the regenerating fin
N Cudak AC López-Delgado F Rost T Kurth M Lesche S Reinhardt A Dahl S Rulands F Knopf [bioRxiv:2023.06.04.543617] -
FOXO1-mediated lipid metabolism maintains mammalian embryos in dormancy
Vera A. van der Weijden Maximilian Stötzel Dhanur P. Iyer Beatrix Fauler Elzbieta Gralinska Mohammed Shahraz David Meierhofer Martin Vingron Steffen Rulands Theodore Alexandrov Thorsten Mielke Aydan Bulut-Karslioglu -
Self-propagating wave drives noncanonical antidurotaxis of skull bones in vivo
Yiteng Dang Johanna Lattner Adrian Lahola-Chomiak Diana Alves-Afonso Elke Ulbricht Anna V Taubenberger Steffen Rulands Jacqueline Tablersubmitted for publication.[bioRxiv:2023.07.10.547677] -
Long-range interactions and disorder facilitate pattern formation in spatial complex systems
Fabrizio Olmeda Steffen Rulandssubmitted for publication.[arXiv:2303.12611] -
Single cell DNA methylation ageing in mouse blood
Marc Jan Bonder Stephen J. Clark Felix Krueger Siyuan Luo João Agostinho de Sousa Aida M. Hashtroud Thomas M. Stubbs Anne-Katrien Stark Steffen Rulands Oliver Stegle Wolf Reik Ferdinand von Meyennsubmitted for publication.[bioRxiv:2023.01.30.526343]
Coarsening and wavelength selection far from equilibrium: a unifying framework based on singular perturbation theory
Henrik Weyer Fridtjof Brauns Erwin Frey [arXiv:2203.03892] -
Hierarchical defect-induced condensation in active nematics
Timo Krüger Ivan Maryshev Erwin Frey [arXiv:2307.05716] -
Redundancy and the role of protein copy numbers in the cell polarization machinery of budding yeast
Fridtjof Brauns Leila Margarita Iñigo de la Cruz Karl-Gustav Daalman Ilse de Bruin Jacob Halatek Liedewij Laan Erwin Frey [bioRxiv:2020.09.09.290510] -
Periodic temporal environmental variations induce coexistence in resource competition models
Tom Burkart Jan Willeke Erwin Frey [arXiv:2202.11635] -
Anomalous collective dynamics of autochemotactic populations
Jasper van der Kolk Florian Rasshofer Richard Swiderski Astik Haldar Abhik Basu Erwin Frey [arXiv:2209.01047] -
Mechanochemical feedback loop drives persistent motion of liposomes
Meifang Fu* Tom Burkart* Ivan Maryshev Henri G. Franquelim Adrián Merino-Salomón María Reverte-López Erwin Frey+ Petra Schwille+ [LMU Press Release] -
Geometry-induced patterns through mechanochemical coupling
Laeschkir Würthner* Andriy Goychuk* Erwin Frey [arXiv:2205.02820] -
Enzyme-enriched condensates show self-propulsion, positioning, and coexistence
Leonardo Demarchi Andriy Goychuk Ivan Maryshev Erwin Frey [Droplets Come to Life (Viewpoint Article by David Zwicker, Physics 16, 45)] [arXiv:2301.00392] -
Directing Min protein patterns with advective bulk flow
Sabrina Meindlhumer* Fridtjof Brauns* Jernej Rudi Finžgar* Jacob Kerssemakers Cees Dekker Erwin Frey [biorXiv: 10.1101/2021.12.23.474007] -
Polarity and chirality control of an active fluid by passive nematic defects
Alfredo Sciortino Lukas J. Neumann Timo Krüger Ivan Maryshev Tetsuhiko F. Teshima Bernhard Wolfrum Erwin Frey Andreas R. Bausch
Length regulation drives self-organization in filament-motor mixtures
Moritz Striebel Fridtjof Brauns Erwin Frey [arXiv:2109.05091] -
Multi-scale organization in communicating active matter
Alexander Ziepke Ivan Maryshev Igor Aronson Erwin Frey -
Geometry adaptation of protrusion and polarity dynamics in confined cell migration
David B. Brückner Matthew Schmitt Alexandra Fink Johannes Flommersfeld Nicolas Arlt Edouard Hannezo Joachim O. Rädler Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:2106.01014] -
RNA Oligomerisation without Added Catalyst from 2 ′ ,3 ′ ‑Cyclic Nucleotides by Drying at Air‑Water Interfaces
Avinash Vicholous Dass Sreekar Wunnava Juliette Langlais Beatriz von der Esch Maik Krusche Lennard Ufer Nico Chrisam Romeo Dubini Florian Gartner Severin Angerpointner Christina Dirscherl Petra Rovó Christof Mast Judit Šponer Christian Ochsenfeld Erwin Frey Dieter Braun [ChemRxiv:10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-zwh2t] -
Self-organization of plasticity and specialization in a primitively social insect
Solenn Patalano*+ Adolfo Alsina* Carlos Gregorio-Rodríguez Martin Bachman Stephanie Dreier Irene Hernando-Herraez Paulin Nana Shankar Balasubramanian Seirian Sumner Wolf Reik+ Steffen Rulands+ -
Bridging scales in a multiscale pattern-forming system
Laeschkir Würthner* Fridtjof Brauns* Grzegorz Pawlik Jacob Halatek Jacob Kerssemakers Cees Dekker Erwin Frey [arXiv:2111.12043] -
Control of protein-based pattern formation via guiding cues
Tom Burkart* Manon C. Wigbers* Laeschkir Würthner* Erwin Frey [bioRxiv: 10.1101/2022.02.11.480095] -
Metabolic enhancement of mammalian developmental pausing
Vera A. van der Weijden Maximilian Stötzel Beatrix Fauler Dhanur Iyer Mohammed Shahraz David Meierhofer Steffen Rulands Theodore Alexandrov Thorsten Mielke Aydan Bulut-Karslioglu -
Subdiffusive activity spreading in the diffusive epidemic process
Borislav Polovnikov Patrick Wilke Erwin Frey [arXiv:2105.14871] -
The time complexity of self-assembly
Florian Gartner Isabella Graf Erwin Frey [bioRxiv: 10.1101/2021.04.01.437956] -
Disentangling cadherin-mediated cell-cell interactions in collective cancer cell migration
Themistoklis Zisis* David B. Brückner* Tom Brandstätter Joseph d'Alessandro Angelika Vollmar Chase P. Broedersz Stefan Zahler [biorXiv: 10.1101/2021.05.07.442718]
Snowdrift game induces pattern formation in systems of self-propelled particles
Johanna Mayer* Michael Obermüller* Jonas Denk Erwin Frey [arXiv: 2104.09782] -
Single-cell growth inference of Corynebacterium glutamicum reveals asymptotically linear growth
Fabian Meyer Marc Bramkamp Chase P. Broedersz [bioRxiv:10.1101/2020.05.25.115055] -
Surface tension induced budding drives alveologenesis in human mammary gland organoids
Pablo A. Fernández* Benedikt Buchmann* Andriy Goychuk* Lisa Engelbrecht Marion Raich Christina Scheel Erwin Frey+ Andreas R. Bausch+ -
Theory of Active Intracellular Transport by DNA-relaying
Christian Hanauer Silke Bergeler Erwin Frey Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:2101.02640] -
A diffusiophoretic mechanism for ATP-driven transport without motor proteins
Beatrice Ramm* Andriy Goychuk* Alena Khmelinskaia Philipp Blumhardt Kristina Ganzinger Erwin Frey+ Petra Schwille+ [bioRxiv:10.1101/2020.05.01.072744] -
Bulk-surface coupling identifies the mechanistic connection between Min-protein patterns in vivo and in vitro
Fridtjof Brauns* Grzegorz Pawlik* Jacob Halatek* Jacob W.J. Kerssemakers Erwin Frey+ Cees Dekker+ [bioRxiv:10.1101/2020.03.01.971952] -
A hierarchy of protein patterns robustly decodes cell shape information
Manon C. Wigbers* Tzer Han Tan* Fridtjof Brauns S. Zachary Swartz Erwin Frey+ Nikta Fakhri+ -
Dynamics of the Bacillus subtilis Min system
Helge Feddersen Laeschkir Würthner Erwin Frey Marc Bramkamp [bioRxiv:10.1101/2020.04.29.068676] -
Learning the distribution of single-cell chromosome conformations in bacteria reveals emergent order across genomic scales
Jacqueline Janssen Muriel C.F. van Teeseling Martin Thanbichler Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:2002.03880] -
Tissue flow through pores: a computational study
Felix Kempf Andriy Goychuk Erwin Freysubmitted for publication.[bioRxiv: 10.1101/2021.03.25.436985] -
Microphase separation in active filament systems is maintained by cyclic dynamics of cluster size and order
Lorenz Huber* Timo Krüger* Erwin Frey [arXiv:2007.00517] -
PomX, a ParA/MinD ATPase activating protein, is a triple regulator of cell division in Myxococcus xanthus
Dominik Schumacher Andrea Harms Silke Bergeler Erwin Frey Lotte Søgaard-Andersen [bioRxiv:10.1101/2020.12.14.422651] -
Diffusive coupling of two well-mixed compartments elucidates elementary principles of protein-based pattern formation
Fridtjof Brauns Jacob Halatek Erwin Frey [arXiv:2010.15095] -
Wavelength selection by interrupted coarsening in reaction-diffusion systems
Fridtjof Brauns* Henrik Weyer* Jacob Halatek Junghoon Yoon Erwin Frey [arXiv:2005.01495] -
Learning the dynamics of cell-cell interactions in confined cell migration
David B. Brückner Nicolas Arlt Pierre Ronceray Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:2008.03978] -
Optically Transparent Vertical Silicon Nanowire Arrays for Live-Cell Imaging
A. Kosloff A. W. Holle J. Young M. A. George O. Heifler A. Goychuk E. Frey J. P. Spatz F. Patolsky R. Elnathan N. H. Voelcker -
Drag-induced directional switching of the kinesin-5 Cin8 revealed from cluster-motility analysis
Himanshu Pandey Emanuel Reithmann Alina Goldstein-Levetin Jawdat Al-Bassam Erwin Frey Larisa Gheber [bioRxiv:10.1101/2020.01.24.918714]
Topological phase transition in coupled rock-paper-scissor cycles
Johannes Knebel Philipp M. Geiger Erwin Frey [Physics Today 74,3,16 (2021)] [Physics Today: 10.1063/PT.6.1.20210128a] [arXiv:2009.01780] -
Pattern-induced local symmetry breaking in active matter systems
Jonas Denk Erwin Frey [arXiv:2005.12791] -
Phase-space geometry of mass-conserving reaction-diffusion dynamics
Fridtjof Brauns* Jacob Halatek* Erwin Frey [arXiv:1812.08684] -
Learning the Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Brownian Movies
Federico S. Gnesotto Grzegorz Gradziuk Pierre Ronceray Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:2001.08642] -
Cell-Based Strain Remodeling of a Nonfibrous Matrix as an Organizing Principle for Vasculogenesis
Daniel Rüdiger Kerstin Kick Andriy Goychuk Angelika M. Vollmar Erwin Frey Stefan Zahler [bioRxiv:10.1101/816496] -
Quasi-periodic migration of single cells on short microlanes
Fang Zhou Sophia A. Schaffer Christoph Schreiber Felix J. Segerer Andriy Goychuk Erwin Frey Joachim O. Rädler [bioRxiv:10.1101/809939] -
Inferring the Dynamics of Underdamped Stochastic Systems
David B. Brückner Pierre Ronceray Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:2002.06680] -
Flow Induced Symmetry Breaking in a Conceptual Polarity Model
Manon C. Wigbers Fridtjof Brauns Ching Yee Leung Erwin Frey [arXiv:2005.09573] -
Stochastic Yield Catastrophes and Robustness in Self-Assembly
Florian M. Gartner* Isabella R. Graf* Patrick Wilke* Philipp M. Geiger Erwin Frey [arXiv:1905.09912] [bioRxiv:10.1101/660340] -
Molecular underpinnings of cytoskeletal crosstalk
Angela Oberhofer* Emanuel Reithmann* Peter Spieler Willi L. Stepp Dennis Zimmermann Bettina Schmid Erwin Frey+ Zeynep Ökten+ -
Pattern localization to a domain edge
Manon Wigbers Fridtjof Brauns Tobias Hermann Erwin Frey [arXiv:1908.07309] -
Disentangling the Behavioural Variability of Confined Cell Migration
David B. Brückner Alexandra Fink Joachim O. Rädler Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:1910.02815] [bioRxiv:10.1101/797555] -
Geometric cues stabilise long-axis polarisation of PAR protein patterns in C. elegans
Raphaela Geßele Jacob Halatek Laeschkir Würthner Erwin Frey [bioRxiv:10.1101/451880] -
A mechanistic view of collective filament motion in active nematic networks
Moritz Striebel* Isabella R. Graf* Erwin Frey [bioRxiv:10.1101/732909] -
Lattice Kinetic Monte-Carlo Method for Simulating Chromosomal Dynamics and other (Non-)Equilibrium Bio-Assemblies
Christiaan A. Miermans Chase P. Broedersz
Area and geometry dependence of cell migration in asymmetric two-state micropatterns
Alexandra Fink David Brückner Christoph Schreiber Peter Röttgermann Chase Broedersz Joachim Rädler [bioRxiv:10.1101/815472] -
Bridging the gap between single cell migration and collective dynamics
Florian Thüroff* Andriy Goychuk* Matthias Reiter Erwin Frey [bioRxiv:10.1101/548677] -
Design of biochemical pattern forming systems from minimal motifs
Philipp Glock Fridtjof Brauns Jacob Halatek Erwin Frey Petra Schwille [bioRxiv:10.1101/666362] -
Cooperation in Microbial Populations: Theory and Experimental Model Systems
Jonas B. Cremer Anna Melbinger Karl Wienand Tania Henriquez Heinrich Jung Erwin Frey [arXiv:1909.11338] -
Mesoscopic non-equilibrium measures can reveal intrinsic features of the active driving
Federica Mura Grzegorz Gradziuk Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:1905.13663] -
Protein recruitment through indirect mechanochemical interactions
Andriy Goychuk Erwin Frey [arXiv:1910.00977] -
Active Matter Invasion
Felix Kempf Romain Mueller Erwin Frey Julia Yeomans Amin Doostmohammadi [arXiv:1908.00768] -
Can a flux-based mechanism explain positioning of protein clusters in three-dimensional cell geometry?
Matthias Kober Silke Bergeler Erwin Frey [arXiv:1812.05780] [bioRxiv:10.1101/496364] -
Reconstitution reveals how myosin VI self-organises to generate a dynamic mechanism of membrane sculpting
Benoit Rogez* Laeschkir Würthner* Anastasia B. Petrova Dario Saczko-Brack Maria-Ana Huergo Christopher Batters Erwin Frey+ Claudia Veigel+ -
Non-equilibrium dynamics of isostatic spring networks
Federico S. Gnesotto Benedikt M. Remlein Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:1809.04639] -
Scaling behavior of non-equilibrium measures in internally driven elastic assemblies
Grzegorz Gradziuk Federica Mura Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:1901.03132] -
Stochastic nonlinear dynamics of confined cell migration in two-state systems
David Brückner Alexandra Fink Christoph Schreiber Peter Röttgermann Joachim Rädler Chase Broedersz [Nature Physics News & Views] [LMU Press Release] -
Fiber plucking by molecular motors yields large emergent contractility in stiff biopolymer networks
Pierre Ronceray Chase P. Broedersz Martin Lenz [arXiv:1805.04624] -
Coevolution of nodes and links: diversity driven coexistence in cyclic competition of three species
Kevin E. Bassler Erwin Frey R.K.P. Zia [arXiv:1808.05875]
Delays in fitness adjustment can lead to coexistence of hierarchically interacting species
Marianne Bauer Erwin Frey [arXiv:1805.08730] -
Topologically robust zero-sum games and Pfaffian orientation – How network topology determines the long-time behavior of the antisymmetric Lotka-Volterra equation
P. M. Geiger J. Knebel E. Frey [arXiv:1806.07339] -
Stress-dependent amplification of active forces in nonlinear elastic media
Pierre Ronceray Chase P. Broedersz Martin Lenz [arXiv:1805.02779] -
Crowding and pausing strongly affect dynamics of kinesin-1 motors along microtubules
Matthias Rank Erwin Frey [arXiv:1805.03432] [PMC 6139881] -
Bacterial chromosome organization by collective dynamics of SMC condensins
Christiaan A. Miermans Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:1805.03983] -
Thermophoretic forces on a mesoscopic scale
Jérôme Burelbach David B. Brückner Daan Frenkel Erika Eiser -
Two-Species Active Transport along Cylindrical Biofilaments is Limited by Emergent Topological Hindrance
Patrick Wilke Emanuel Reithmann Erwin Frey [arXiv:1807.02410] -
Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics of a Population with Randomly Switching Carrying Capacity
Karl Wienand Erwin Frey Mauro Mobilia [arXiv:1712.07939] -
Regulation of Pom cluster dynamics in Myxococcus xanthus
Silke Bergeler Erwin Frey [arXiv:1801.06133] -
Delayed adaptation in stochastic metapopulation models
Marianne Bauer Erwin Frey -
Non-equilibrium scaling behaviour in driven soft biological assemblies
Federica Mura Grzegorz Gradziuk Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:1803.02797] -
Rethinking Pattern Formation in Reaction-Diffusion Systems
Jacob Halatek Erwin Frey [F1000 Article Recommendation] -
Self-organized system size oscillation of a stochastic lattice-gas model
Mareike Bojer* Isabella R. Graf* Erwin Frey [arXiv:1803.03942] -
Emergence of coexisting ordered states in active matter systems
Lorenz Huber* Ryo Suzuki* Timo Krüger* Erwin Frey+ Andreas Bausch+ [LMU News] -
Capping protein-controlled actin polymerization shapes lipid membranes
Katharina Dürre Felix C. Keber Philip Bleicher Fridtjof Brauns Christian J. Cyron Jan Faix Andreas R. Bausch -
CsrA and its regulators control the time-point of ColicinE2 release in Escherichia coli
Matthias Lechner* Erwin Frey+ [arXiv:1805.02068] -
MinE conformational switching confers robustness on self-organized Min protein patterns
Jonas Denk* Simon Kretschmer* Jacob Halatek* Caroline Hartl Petra Schwille+ Erwin Frey+ [F1000Prime recommended] -
Multiple scales in metapopulations of public good producers
Marianne Bauer Erwin Frey [arXiv:1802.02402] -
Self-organization principles of intracellular pattern formation
Jacob Halatek Fridtjof Brauns Erwin Frey [arXiv:1802.07169] -
Limited resources induce bistability in microtubule length regulation
Matthias Rank* Aniruddha Mitra* Louis Reese Stefan Diez+ Erwin Frey+ [arXiv:1802.09265] -
Interactions mediated by a public good transiently increase cooperativity in growing Pseudomonas putida metapopulations
Felix Becker* Karl Wienand* Matthias Lechner Erwin Frey+ Heinrich Jung+ [arXiv:1803.04179] -
Ecological suicide in microbes
Christoph Ratzke* Jonas Denk* Jeff Gore [bioRxiv] [New York Times] [TheScienceBreaker] -
Guiding 3D cell migration in deformed synthetic hydrogel microstructures
Hugo Le Roy David B. Brückner Hanna Engelke Roman Zantl Chase P. Broedersz -
Looping and clustering model for the organization of partitioning proteins on the bacterial genome
Jean-Charles Walter Jérôme Dorignac Frédéric Geniet John Palmeri Andrea Parmeggiani Ned S. Wingreen Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:1707.01373] -
Mean-field equation for a stochastic many-particle model of quorum-sensing microbial populations
Erwin Frey Johannes Knebelsubmitted for publication.[arXiv:1802.05307] -
Disentangling Entanglement in Biopolymer Solutions
Philipp Lang Erwin Frey [arXiv:1802.03702] -
Protein Pattern Formation
Erwin Frey Jacob Halatek Simon Kretschmer Petra Schwille [arXiv:1801.01365] -
Cell contraction induces long-ranged stress stiffening in the extracellular matrix
Yu Long Han Pierre Ronceray Guoqiang Xu Andrea Malandrino Martin Lenz Chase P. Broedersz+ Ming Guo+ [arXiv:1709.00793]
Evolution of a Fluctuating Population in Randomly Switching Environment
Karl Wienand Erwin Frey Mauro Mobilia [arXiv:1708.08841] -
Exploiting ecology in drug pulse sequences in favour of population reduction
M. Bauer I. R. Graf V. Ngampruetikorn G. Stephens E. Frey [arXiv:1802.02408] -
Nonequilibrium dynamics of probe filaments in actin-myosin networks
J. Gladrow C.P. Broedersz+ C.F. Schmidt+ [arXiv:1704.06243 ] -
Ecological feedback in quorum-sensing microbial populations can induce heterogeneous production of autoinducers
Matthias Bauer Johannes Knebel Matthias Lechner Peter Pickl Erwin Frey [arXiv:1707.07959] -
The PomXYZ Proteins Self-Organize on the Bacterial Nucleoid to Stimulate Cell Division
Dominik Schumacher Silke Bergeler Andrea Harms Janet Vonck Sabrina Huneke-Vogt Erwin Frey Lotte Sogaard-Andersen [arXiv:1801.09549] -
Physical limits to biomechanical sensing in disordered fibre networks
F Beroz LM Jawerth S Münster DA Weitz CP Broedersz+ NS Wingreen+ -
Generic transport mechanisms for molecular traffic in cellular protrusions
Isabella R.Graf Erwin Frey [arXiv:1703.02536] -
Master equations and the theory of stochastic path integrals
Markus F. Weber Erwin Frey [arXiv:1609.02849]
Hierarchical Post-transcriptional Regulation of Colicin E2 Expression in Escherichia Coli
Matthias Lechner Mathias Schwarz Madeleine Opitz Erwin Frey -
Nonequilibrium diffusion and capture mechanism ensures tip-localization of regulating proteins on dynamic filaments
Emanuel Reithmann Louis Reese Erwin Frey [arXiv:1607.05304] -
Broken Detailed Balance of Filament Dynamics in Active Networks
J. Gladrow N. Fakhri F.C. MacKintosh C.F. Schmidt C.P. Broedersz -
Multistability and dynamic transitions of intracellular Min protein patterns
Fabai Wu* Jacob Halatek* Matthias Reiter Enzo Kingma Erwin Frey+ Cees Dekker+ -
Breaking detailed balance at the mesoscale in active biological systems
C Battle* CP Broedersz* N Fakhri* VF Geyer J Howard CF Schmidt FC MacKintosh -
Fiber networks amplify active stress
P Ronceray CP Broedersz+ M Lenz+ -
Fluid dynamics: In pursuit of turbulence
Johannes Knebel Markus F. Weber Erwin Frey -
Active Curved Polymers form Vortex Patterns on Membranes
Jonas Denk Lorenz Huber Emanuel Reithmann Erwin Frey [arXiv:1602.08976] -
Magnetic Propulsion of Microswimmers with DNA-Based Flagellar Bundles
Cornelius Weig Peter Oswald Erwin Frey Peer Fischer -
Binary Mixtures of Particles with Different Diffusivities Demix
Simon Weber Christoph Weber Erwin Frey [arXiv:1505.00525] -
Multi-scale strain-stiffening of semiflexible bundle networks
IK Piechocka KA Jansen CP Broedersz NA Kurniawan FC MacKintosh GH Koenderink -
Geometry induced protein pattern formation
Dominik Thalmeier Jacob Halatek Erwin Frey
Traffic Dynamic Instability
Louis Reese Anna Melbinger Erwin Freysubmitted for publication.[arXiv:1505.01219] -
A new class of turbulence in active fluids
Vasil Bratanov Frank Jenko Erwin Frey -
Focus on soft mesoscopics: physics for biology at a mesoscopic scale
Klaus Kroy Erwin Frey -
Soft viscoelastic properties of nuclear actin age oocytes due to gravitational creep
Marina Feric C.P. Broedersz C.P. Brangwynne -
Polar Pattern Formation in Driven Filament Systems Require Non-Binary Particle Collisions
Ryo Suzuki Christoph A. Weber Erwin Frey Andreas Bausch -
Random Bursts Determine Dynamics of Active Filaments
Christoph A. Weber Ryo Suzuki Volker Schaller Igor S. Aranson Andreas R. Bausch Erwin Frey -
Non-selective evolution of growing populations
Karl Wienand Matthias Lechner Felix Becker Heinrich Jung Erwin Frey [arXiv:1507.07774] -
Statistical mechanics of the US Supreme Court
E.D. Lee C.P. Broedersz W. Bialek -
The Emergence of Cooperation from a Single Mutant during Microbial Life Cycles
Anna Melbinger Jonas Cremer Erwin Frey [arXiv:1505.03558] -
Emergence and Persistence of Collective Cell Migration on Small Circular Micropatterns
Felix J. Segerer* Florian Thüroff* Erwin Frey+ [arXiv:1505.04643] -
Evolutionary games of condensates in coupled birth-death processes
Johannes Knebel Markus F. Weber Torben Krüger Erwin Frey [arXiv:1504.07816] -
How turbulence regulates biodiversity in systems with cyclic competition
Daniel Groselj Frank Jenko Erwin Frey [arXiv:1411.4245] -
Amount of Colicin release in Escherichia coli is regulated by lysis gene expression of the Colicin E2 operon
Andreas Mader Benedikt von Bronk Benedikt Ewald Sara Kesel Karin Schnetz Erwin Frey Madeleine Opitz -
Quantifying protein diffusion and capture on filaments
Emanuel Reithmann Louis Reese Erwin Frey [arXiv:1503.00878]
Effective two-dimensional model does not account for geometry sensing by self-organized proteins patterns
Jacob Halatek Erwin Frey [arxiv:1403.5934] -
Numerical treatment of the Boltzmann equation for self-propelled particle systems
Florian Thüroff Christoph Weber Erwin Frey [arXiv:1411.4544] -
Molecular Mechanisms for Microtubule Length Regulation by Kinesin-8 and XMAP215 Proteins
Louis Reese Anna Melbinger Erwin Frey [arxiv:1405.5847] -
Periodic vs. intermittent adaptive cycles in quasispecies co-evolution
Alexander Seeholzer Erwin Frey Benedikt Obermayer [arxiv:1408.6345] -
Specialization and Bet Hedging in Heterogeneous Populations
Steffen Rulands David Jahn Erwin Frey [arxiv:1408.4912] -
Flow and diffusion in channel-guided cell migration
Anna-Kristina Marel Christoph Klingner Roland Wedlich-Söldner Erwin Frey -
Chemical warfare and survival strategies in bacterial range expansions
Markus Weber Gabriele Poxleitner Elke Hebisch Erwin Frey Madeleine Opitz [arxiv:1405.5025] -
Defect-Mediated Phase Transitions in Active Soft Matter
Christoph A. Weber Christopher Bock Erwin Frey [arxiv:1404.1619] -
Range Expansion of Heterogeneous Populations
Matthias Reiter* Steffen Rulands* Erwin Frey [arxiv:1403.6333] -
Dynamics of a Semiflexible Polymer or Polymer Ring in Shear Flow
Philipp Lang Benedikt Obermayer Erwin Frey [arxiv:1402.3441] -
Mobility-Dependent Selection of Competing Strategy Associations
Alexander Dobrinevski Mikko Alava Tobias Reichenbach Erwin Frey [arxiv:1401.1755] -
Single Cell Kinetics of Phenotypic Switching in the Arabinose Utilization System of E. coli
J. Megerle G. Fritz S. A. Westermayer D. Brick R. Herrmann K. Jung U. Gerland
High Variation of Fluorescence Protein Maturation Times in Closely Related Escherichia Coli Strains
Elke Hebisch Johannes Knebel Janek Landsberg Erwin Frey Madeleine Leisner -
Understanding Collective Dynamics of Soft Active Colloids by Binary Scattering
Timo Hanke Christoph A. Weber Erwin Frey [arxiv:1310.6214] -
GDI-Mediated Cell Polarization in Yeast Provides Precise Spatial and Temporal Control of Cdc42 Signaling
Ben Klünder Tina Freisinger Roland Wedlich-Söldner Erwin Frey -
Critical Assessment of the Boltzmann Approach to Active Systems
Florian Thüroff Christoph A. Weber Erwin Frey [arxiv:1310.5234] -
The paradox of dual roles in the RNA World: Resolving the conflict between stable folding and templating ability
Nikola Ivica Benedikt Obermayer Gregory W. Campbell Sudha Rajamani Ulrich Gerland Irene A. Chen -
Immediate and heterogeneous response of the LiaFSR two-component system of Bacillus subtilis to the peptide antibiotic bacitracin
Sara Kesel Andreas Mader Carolin Höfler Thorsten Mascher Madeleine Leisner -
Optimization of collective enzyme activity via spatial localization
Alexander Buchner Filipe Tostevin Florian Hinzpeter Ulrich Gerland -
Language change in a multiple group society
Cristina-Maria Pop Erwin Frey [arxiv:1309.2677] -
Biological Signal Processing with a Genetic Toggle Switch
Patrick Hillenbrand Georg Fritz Ulrich Gerland -
Fluctuation Effects in the Pair Annihilation Process with Levy Dynamics
Ingo Homrighausen Anton A. Winkler Erwin Frey [arxiv:1306.5476] -
Clustering and optimal arrangement of enzymes in reaction-diffusion systems
Alexander Buchner Filipe Tostevin Ulrich Gerland -
Global attractors and extinction dynamics of cyclically competing species
Steffen Rulands Alejandro Zielinski Erwin Frey [arxiv:1305.0119] -
Long-range ordering of vibrated polar disks
Christoph A. Weber Timo Hanke Julien Deseigne Sébastien Léonard Olivier Dauchot Erwin Frey Hugue Chaté [arxiv:1304.4760] -
Escalation of Polymerization in a Thermal Gradient
Christof B. Mast Severin Schink Ulrich Gerland Dieter Braun -
Establishment of a robust single axis of cell polarity by coupling of multiple positive feedback loops
Tina Freisinger Ben Klünder Jared Johnson Nikola Müller Garwin Pichler Gisela Beck Michael Costanzo Charles Boone Richard A. Cerione Erwin Frey Roland Wedlich-Söldner -
Role of particle conservation in self-propelled particle systems
Christoph A. Weber Florian Thüroff Erwin Frey [arxiv:1301.7701] -
Coexistence and survival in conservative Lotka-Volterra networks
Johannes Knebel Torben Krüger Markus F. Weber Erwin Frey [arxiv:1303.7116] -
Mobility, fitness collection, and the breakdown of cooperation
Anatolij Gelimson Jonas Cremer Erwin Frey [arXiv:1301.7682] -
Towards a unified physical model of nucleosome patterns flanking transcription start sites
Wolfram Möbius Brendan Osberg Alexander M. Tsankov Oliver J. Rando Ulrich Gerland -
Cooperative effects enhance the transport properties of molecular spider teams
Matthias Rank Louis Reese Erwin Frey [arxiv:1302.1853] -
Simulation of stochastic network dynamics via entropic matching
Tiago Ramalho Marco Selig Ulrich Gerland Torsten A. Enßlin [arxiv:1209.3700] -
Long-Range and Many-Body Effects in Coagulation Processes
Anton A. Winkler Erwin Frey [arxiv:1302.0481] -
Stability of localized wave fronts in bistable systems
Steffen Rulands Ben Klünder Erwin Frey [arxiv:1212.1036] -
Cascade of Reduced Speed and Accuracy After Errors in Enzyme-Free Copying of Nucleic Acid Sequences
Kevin Leu Eric Kervio Benedikt Obermayer Rebecca Turk-MacLeod Caterina Yuan Jesus-Mario Luevano Eric Chen Ulrich Gerland Clemens Richert Irene A. Chen
Nucleation-induced transition to collective motion in active systems
Christoph Weber Volker Schaller Andreas R. Bausch Erwin Frey [arxiv:1208.5448] -
Deactivation of the E. coli pH stress sensor CadC by cadaverine
Ina Haneburger Georg Fritz Nicole Jurkschat Larissa Tetsch Andreas Eichinger Arne Skerra Ulrich Gerland Kirsten Jung -
Microtubule Length Regulation by Molecular Motors
Anna Melbinger Louis Reese Erwin Frey [arXiv:1204.5655] -
Highly Canalized MinD Transfer and MinE Sequestration Explain the Origin of Robust MinCDE-Protein Dynamics
Jacob Halatek Erwin Frey -
Extinction in neutrally stable stochastic Lotka-Volterra models
A. Dobrinevski E. Frey [arXiv:1001.5235] -
Growth dynamics and the evolution of cooperation in microbial populations
Jonas Cremer Anna Melbinger Erwin Frey [arXiv:1203.5863] -
Validity of the law of mass action in three-dimensional coagulation processes
Anton Winkler Erwin Frey [arXiv:1202.0182] -
Simulating self-organized molecular patterns using interaction-site models
M. Balbás Gambra C. Rohr K. Gruber B. A. Hermann T. Franosch -
Discrimination of Escherichia coli strains using Glycan Cantilever Array Sensors
Andreas Mader Kathrin Grubert Ricardo Castelli Bianca A. Hermann Peter H. Seeberger Joachim O. Rädler Madeleine Leisner -
Quantitative analysis of the nanopore translocation dynamics of simple structured polynucleotides
Severin Schink Sephan Renner Karen Alim Vera Arnaut Friedrich C. Simmel Ulrich Gerland -
MicroRNA Circuits for Transcriptional Logic
Madeleine Leisner L. Bleris J. Lohmueller Z. Xie K. Benenson
Frozen steady states in active systems
Volker Schaller Christoph Weber Benjamin Hammerich Erwin Frey Andreas R. Bausch [arXiv:1109.2764] -
Evolutionary and Population Dynamics: A Coupled Approach
Jonas Cremer Anna Melbinger Erwin Frey [arXiv:1108.2604] -
Target search on a dynamic DNA molecule
Thomas Schötz Richard A. Neher Ulrich Gerland [arXiv:1109.3211] -
The mode of cell wall growth in selected archaea is similar to the general mode of cell wall growth in bacteria as revealed by fluorescent dye analysis
Wirth R Bellack A Bertl M Bilek Y Heimerl T Herzog B Leisner M Probst A Rachel R Sarbu C Schopf S Wanner G -
Range Expansion with Mutation and Selection: Dynamical Phase Transition in a Two-Species Eden Model
Jan-Timm Kuhr Madeleine Leisner Erwin Frey [arXiv:1110.2639] -
Social dynamics with peer support on heterogeneous networks: the "mafia model"
Marta Balbás Gambra Erwin Frey [arXiv:1108.4585] -
Chemical cell trapping in controlled alternating gradient fields
B. Meier A. Zielinski C. Weber D. Arcizet S. Youssef T. Franosch J. O. Rädler D. Heinrich -
Crowding of molecular motors determines microtubule depolymerization
Louis Reese Anna Melbinger Erwin Frey [arXiv:1109.1155] -
The prebiotic evolutionary advantage of transferring genetic information from RNA to DNA
Kevin Leu Benedikt Obermayer Sudha Rajamani Ulrich Gerland Irene A. Chen -
Physical limits on cooperative protein-DNA binding and the kinetics of combinatorial transcription regulation
Nico Geisel Ulrich Gerland [arXiv:1109.3351] -
Current reversal and exclusion processes with history-dependent random walks
Johannes H.P. Schulz Anatoly Kolomeisky Erwin Frey [arXiv:1104.5378] -
Emergence of information transmission in a prebiotic RNA reactor
Benedikt Obermayer Hubert Krammer Dieter Braun Ulrich Gerland [arXiv:1105.3758] -
Driven Transport on Parallel Lanes with Particle Exclusion and Obstruction
Anna Melbinger Tobias Reichenbach Thomas Franosch Erwin Frey [arXiv:1002.3766] -
Polar Pattern Formation: Hydrodynamic coupling of driven filaments
Volker Schaller Christoph Weber Erwin Frey Andreas Bausch -
Highly accelerated simulations of glassy dynamics using GPUs: Caveats on limited floating-point precision
Peter H. Colberg Felix Höfling [arXiv:0912.3824] [HALMD package] -
Anomalous transport resolved in space and time by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
Felix Höfling Karl-Ulrich Bamberg Thomas Franosch [arXiv:1003.3762] -
Longitudinal Response of Confined Semiflexible Polymers
Florian Thüroff Benedikt Obermayer Erwin Frey [arXiv:1009.2251] -
Reply to Comment on "Bulk-Driven Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in a Mesoscopic Ring"
H. Hinsch L. Reese E. Frey -
Three-fold way to extinction in populations of cyclically competing species
Steffen Rulands Tobias Reichenbach Erwin Frey [arXiv:1005.5704] -
Space-resolved dynamics of a tracer in a disordered solid
Thomas Franosch Markus Spanner Teresa Bauer Gerd E. Schröder-Turk Felix Höfling [arXiv:1004.3670] -
Non-Affine Shear Modulus in Entangled Networks of Semiflexible Polymers
H. Hinsch E. FreySubmitted for publication.[arXiv:0907.1875]
Inference with minimal Gibbs free energy in information field theory
Torsten Enßlin Cornelius Weig [arXiv:1004.2868] -
Localization phenomena in models of ion-conducting glass formers
Jürgen Horbach Thomas Voigtmann Felix Höfling Thomas Franosch -
Quantitative predictions on auxin-induced polar distribution of PIN proteins during vein formation in leaves
Karen Alim Erwin Frey [arXiv:1005.3768] -
Unconventional Salt Trend from Soft to Stiff in Single Neurofilament Biopolymers
Roy Beck Joanna Deek Myung Chul Choi Taiji Ikawa Osamu Watanabe Erwin Frey Philip Pincus Cyrus R. Safinya -
The Localization Transition of the Two-Dimensional Lorentz Model
Teresa Bauer Felix Höfling Tobias Munk Erwin Frey Thomas Franosch [arXiv:1003.2918] -
Molecular self-organization: predicting the pattern diversity and lowest energy state of competing ordering motifs
B. A. Hermann C. Rohr M. Balbás Gambra A. Malecki M. S. Malarek E. Frey T. Franosch -
Sequence-dependent unfolding kinetics of DNA hairpins studied by nanopore force spectroscopy
Stephan Renner Andrey Bessonov Ulrich Gerland Friedrich C. Simmel -
Evolutionary game theory in growing populations
Anna Melbinger Jonas Cremer Erwin Frey [arXiv:1010.3845] -
Error thresholds for self- and cross-specific enzymatic replication
Benedikt Obermayer Erwin Frey [arXiv:1003.1304] -
Persistent memory for a Brownian walker in a random array of obstacles
Thomas Franosch Felix Höfling Teresa Bauer Erwin Frey [arXiv:1004.2807] -
Arrangement of Annexin A2 tetramer and its impact on the structure and diffusivity of supported lipid bilayers
Kirstin Fritz Georg Fritz Barbara Windschiegl Claudia Steinem Bert Nickel [selected for Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research] -
Rationally designed logic integration of regulatory signals in mammalian cells
M. Leisner L. Bleris J. Lohmueller Z. Xie K. Benenson -
Polar patterns of driven filaments
Volker Schaller Christoph Weber Christine Semmrich Erwin Frey Andreas R. Bausch -
Quantitative test of the barrier nucleosome model for statistical positioning of nucleosomes up- and downstream of transcription start sites
W. Möbius U. Gerland [arXiv:1009.0169] -
Bayesian analysis of spatially distorted cosmic signals from Poissonian data
Cornelius Weig Torsten Enßlin [arXiv:1003.1311] -
Confinement induces conformational transition of semiflexible polymer rings to figure eight form
Katja Ostermeir Karen Alim Erwin Frey [arXiv:1004.4574] -
Coexistence in a One-Dimensional Cyclic Dominance Process
Anton Winkler Tobias Reichenbach Erwin Frey [selected for Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research] [arXiv:1006.0383] -
Entropy production of cyclic population dynamics
Benjamin Andrae Jonas Cremer Tobias Reichenbach Erwin Frey [arXiv:1005.0865] -
Buckling of stiff polymer rings in weak spherical confinement
Katja Ostermeir Karen Alim Erwin Frey [selected for Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research] [arXiv:1003.4267] -
Excluded Volume Effects on Semiflexible Ring Polymers
F. Drube K. Alim G. Witz G. Dietler E. Frey [arXiv:0906.3991] -
Predictive Modeling of non-viral Gene Transfer
Gerlinde Schwake Simon Youssef Jan-Timm Kuhr Sebastian Gude Maria Pamela David Eduardo Mendoza Erwin Frey Joachim O. Rädler [arXiv:1002.2644] -
The effect of internal and global modes on the radial distribution function of confined semiflexible polymers
Florian Thüroff Frederik Wagner Erwin Frey [arXiv:1002.1826] -
Statics and Dynamics of the Wormlike Bundle Model
Claus Heussinger Felix Schüller Erwin Frey [arXiv:0909.5059] -
Molecular jigsaw: pattern diversity encoded by elementary geometrical features
C. Rohr M. Balbás Gambra K. Gruber E. C. Constable E. Frey T. Franosch B. A. Hermann -
Development of anomalous diffusion among crowding proteins
Margaret R. Horton Felix Höfling Joachim O. Rädler Thomas Franosch
Escalation of error catastrophe for enzymatic self-replicators
B. Obermayer E. Frey [arXiv: 0911.1656] -
Conformations of Entangled Semiflexible Polymers: Entropic Trapping and Transient Non-Equilibrium Distributions
H. Hinsch E. Frey [arXiv:0908.0110] -
Tension dynamics and viscoelasticity of extensible wormlike chains
B. Obermayer E. Frey [arXiv:0907.1244] -
The edge of neutral evolution in social dilemmas
Jonas Cremer Tobias Reichenbach Erwin Frey [arXiv:0905.0563] -
Induction kinetics of a conditional pH stress response system in Escherichia coli
G. Fritz C. Koller K. Burdack I. Haneburger L. Tetsch K. Jung U. Gerland -
Triggering Enzymatic Activity with ForceTriggering Enzymatic Activity with Force
H. Gumpp E. M. Puchner J. L. Zimmermann U. Gerland H. Gaub K. Blank -
Scaling and universality in coupled driven diffusive models
A. Basu E. Frey [arXiv:0907.3910] -
Systematic semiclassical expansion for harmonically trapped ideal Bose gases
B. Klünder A. Pelster -
Evolutionary selection between alternative modes of gene regulation
U. Gerland T. Hwa -
Direct Observation of the Tube Model in F-Actin Solutions: Tube Dimensions and Curvatures
M. Romanowska H. Hinsch N. Kirchgeßner M. Giesen B. Hoffmann E. Frey R. Merkel [arXiv:0903.3375] -
Persistent correlation of constrained colloidal motion
T. Franosch S. Jeney -
Freely relaxing polymers remember how they were straightened
B. Obermayer W. Möbius O. Hallatschek E. Frey K. Kroy [arXiv:0812.2794] -
Anomalous scaling in nanopore translocation of structured heteropolymers
M. McCauley R. Forties U. Gerland R. Bundschuh [arXiv:0901.4850] -
Kinetics of genetic switching into the state of bacterial competence
M. Leisner J.-T. Kuhr J.O. Rädler E. Frey B. Maier -
Effective Perrin theory for the anisotropic diffusion of a strongly hindered rod
T. Munk F. Höfling E. Frey T. Franosch [arXiv:0808.0450] -
Zero-one survival behavior of cyclically competing species
M. Berr T. Reichenbach M. Schottenloher E. Frey [arXiv:0812.4191]
Stochastic switching to competence
M. Leisner K. Stingl E. Frey B. Maier -
Spontaneous Unknotting of a Polymer Confined in a Nanochannel
W. Möbius E. Frey U. Gerland [arXiv:0807.4091] -
Cluster-resolved dynamic scaling theory and universal corrections for transport on percolating systems
A. Kammerer F. Höfling T. Franosch [arXiv:0811.1414] -
Enhanced Diffusion of a Needle in a Planar Array of Point Obstacles
F. Höfling E. Frey T. Franosch [arXiv:0806.1138] -
Domain wall delocalization, dynamics and fluctuations in an exclusion process with two internal states
T. Reichenbach T. Franosch E. Frey [arXiv:0801.4394] -
Instability of Spatial Patterns and Its Ambiguous Impact on Species Diversity
T. Reichenbach E. Frey [arXiv:0807.0122] -
Entangled Dynamics of a Stiff Polymer
F. Höfling T. Munk E. Frey T. Franosch [arXiv:0805.4546] -
Anisotropic Memory Effects in Confined Colloidal Diffusion
S. Jeney B. Lukić J. A. Kraus T. Franosch L. Forró [arXiv:0805.3227] -
Self-Organization of Mobile Populations in Cyclic Competition
T. Reichenbach M. Mobilia E. Frey [arXiv:0801.1798] -
Stochastic effects on biodiversity in cyclic coevolutionary dynamics
T. Reichenbach M. Mobilia E. Frey [arXiv:q-bio/0610014] -
Timing and Dynamics of Single Cell Gene Expression in the Arabinose Utilization System
J. A. Megerle G. Fritz U. Gerland K. Jung J. O. Rädler -
Critical dynamics of ballistic and Brownian particles in a heterogenous environment
F. Höfling T. Munk E. Frey T. Franosch [arXiv:0712.2313] -
Microscale Fluid Flow Induced by Thermoviscous Expansion Along a Traveling Wave
F. M. Weinert J. A. Kraus T. Franosch D. Braun [arXiv:0804.0384] -
Velocity oscillations in actin-based motility
A. Gholami M. Falcke E. Frey [arXiv:0704.1390] -
Anomalous finite-size effects in the Battle of the Sexes
J. Cremer T. Reichenbach E. Frey [arXiv:0709.0225] -
Microtubule dynamics depart from wormlike chain model
K. M. Taute F. Pampaloni E. Frey E. Florin [arXiv:0708.1928] -
Cytoskeletal bundle mechanics
M. Bathe C. Heussinger M. Claessens A. Bausch E. Frey [arXiv:q-bio/0607040]
Basal expression rate of comK sets a 'switching-window' into the K-state of Bacillus subtilis
M. Leisner K. Stingl J.O. Rädler B. Maier -
Coupling of Transverse and Longitudinal Response in Stiff Polymers
B. Obermayer O. Hallatschek [arXiv:0704.3223] -
Noise and Correlations in a Spatial Population Model with Cyclic Competition
T. Reichenbach M. Mobilia E. Frey [arXiv:0710.0383] -
Designing sequential transcription logic: a simple genetic circuit for conditional memory
G. Fritz N.E. Buchler T. Hwa U. Gerland -
Stretching dynamics of semiflexible polymers
B. Obermayer O. Hallatschek E. Frey K. Kroy [arXiv:cond-mat/0603556] -
Mobility promotes and jeopardizes biodiversity in rock-paper-scissors games
T. Reichenbach M. Mobilia E. Frey [arXiv:0709.0217] [Movie I (9 MByte)] [Movie II (9 MByte)] -
Mechanics of bundled semiflexible polymer networks
O. Lieleg M.M.A.E. Claessens C. Heussinger E. Frey A.R. Bausch [arXiv:cond-mat/0611752] -
Fluctuating semiflexible polymer ribbon constrained to a ring
K. Alim E. Frey [arXiv:0708.0111] -
Conformations of Confined Biopolymers
F. Wagner G. Lattanzi E. Frey [arXiv:cond-mat/0607496] -
Force distribution and force chains in random stiff fiber networks
C. Heussinger E. Frey [arXiv:0705.1425] -
Optimal flexibility for conformational transitions in macromolecules
R. Neher W. Möbius E. Frey U. Gerland [arXiv:0704.1546] -
Shapes of semiflexible polymer rings
K. Alim E. Frey [arXiv:q-bio/0703049] -
Tension dynamics in semiflexible polymers. Part II: Scaling solutions and applications
O. Hallatschek E. Frey K. Kroy [arXiv:cond-mat/0609638] -
Tension dynamics in semiflexible polymers. Part I: Coarse-grained equations of motion
O. Hallatschek E. Frey K. Kroy [arXiv:cond-mat/0609647] -
Non-affine rubber elasticity for stiff polymer networks
C. Heussinger B. Schaefer E. Frey [arXiv:cond-mat/0703095] -
Quantitative Tube Model for Semiflexible Polymer Solutions
H. Hinsch J. Wilhem E. Frey [arXiv:cond-mat/0703096] -
Spin models for orientational ordering of colloidal molecular crystals
A. Sarlah E. Frey T. Franosch [arXiv:cond-mat/0608353] -
Crossover in the Slow Decay of Dynamic Correlations in the Lorentz Model
F. Höfling T. Franosch [arXiv:cond-mat/0701659] -
Statistical Mechanics of Semiflexible Bundles of Wormlike Polymer Chains
C. Heussinger M. Bathe E. Frey [arXiv:cond-mat/0702097] -
Traffic jams induced by rare switching events in two-lane transport
T. Reichenbach E. Frey T. Franosch [arXiv:cond-mat/0702022] -
The Role of Architecture in the Elastic Response of Semiflexible Polymer and Fiber Networks
C. Heussinger E. Frey [arXiv:cond-mat/0512557]
Thermal fluctuations of grafted microtubules provide evidence of a length-dependent persistence length
F. Pampaloni G. Lattanzi Alexandr Jonáš T. Surrey E. Frey E.-L. Florin [arXiv:q-bio/0503037] -
Coexistence versus extinction in the stochastic cyclic Lotka-Volterra model
T. Reichenbach M. Mobilia E. Frey [arXiv:q-bio/0605042] -
Kinetic Accessibility of Buried DNA Sites in Nucleosomes
W. Möbius R. A. Neher U. Gerland [arXiv:q-bio/0605017] -
Exclusion Processes with Internal States
T. Reichenbach T. Franosch E. Frey [arXiv:cond-mat/0605208] -
Bottleneck-induced transitions in a minimal model for intracellular transport
P. Pierobon M. Mobilia R. Kouyos E. Frey [arXiv:cond-mat/0604356] -
Actin-binding proteins sensitively mediate F-actin bundle stiffness
M. Claessens M. Bathe E. Frey A. Bausch [Preprint] -
Dynamics of semiflexible polymers in a flow field
T. Munk O. Hallatschek C. Wiggins E. Frey [arXiv:q-bio/0604032] -
Floppy Modes and Non-Affine Deformations in Random Fiber Networks
C. Heussinger E. Frey [arXiv:cond-mat/0603697] -
Bulk-driven Non-equilibrium Phase Transitions in a Mesoscopic Ring
H. Hinsch E. Frey [arXiv:cond-mat/0603698] -
Driven lattice gas of dimers coupled to a bulk reservoir
P. Pierobon T. Franosch E. Frey [arXiv:cond-mat/0603385] -
Entropic forces generated by grafted semiflexible polymers
A. Gholami J. Wilhelm E. Frey [arXiv:cond-mat/0603101] -
Fluctuations and correlations in lattice models for predator-prey interaction
M. Mobilia I. T. Georgiev U. C. Täuber [arXiv:q-bio/0508043] -
Localization Transition of the 3D Lorentz Model and Continuum Percolation
F. Höfling T. Franosch E. Frey [arXiv:cond-mat/0510442] -
Intermediate phase in DNA melting
R. Neher U. Gerland [arXiv:q-bio/0509015] -
Stiff Polymers, Foams and Fiber Networks
C. Heussinger E. Frey [arXiv:cond-mat/0503359] -
Microrheology probes length scale dependent rheology
J. Liu M.L. Gardel K. Kroy E. Frey B.D. Hoffmann J.C. Crocker A.R. Bausch D.A. Weitz [Preprint] -
Dynamics of intramolecular recognition: Base-pairing in DNA/RNA near and far from equilibrium
R. Bundschuh U. Gerland -
A puzzle in DNA biophysics
R. Bundschuh U. Gerland
Renewal processes and fluctuation analysis of molecular stepping
J.E. Santos T. Franosch A. Parmeggiani E. Frey [arXiv:cond-mat/0505704] -
Coupled dynamics of RNA folding and nanopore translocation
R. Bundschuh U. Gerland [arXiv:q-bio/0508004] -
Oscillations in molecular motor assemblies
A. Vilfan E. Frey [arXiv:physics/0508033] -
Melting of colloidal molecular crystals on triangular lattices
A. Sarlah T. Franosch E. Frey [arXiv:cond-mat/0502586] -
Nonlinear protein degradation and the function of genetic circuits
N.E. Buchler U. Gerland T. Hwa -
DNA as a programmable viscoelastic nanoelement
R.A. Neher U. Gerland [arXiv:q-bio/0506026] -
Statics and Dynamics of Single DNA Molecules Confined in Nanochannels
W. Reisner K.J. Morton R. Riehn Y.M. Wang Z. Yu M. Rosen J.C. Sturm S.Y. Chou E. Frey R.H. Austin -
Transcriptional regulation by the numbers: models
L. Bintu N.E. Buchler H.G. Garcia U. Gerland T. Hwa J. Kondev R. Phillips [PDF] -
Transcriptional regulation by the numbers: applications
L. Bintu N.E. Buchler H.G. Garcia U. Gerland T. Hwa J. Kondev R. Phillips [PDF] -
Dynamic correlation functions and Boltzmann Langevin approach for driven one dimensional lattice gas
P. Pierobon A. Parmeggiani F. von Oppen E. Frey [arXiv:cond-mat/0503360] -
Propagation and Relaxation of Tension in Stiff Polymers
O. Hallatschek E. Frey K. Kroy [arXiv:cond-mat/0405367] -
Bimodality in the transverse fluctuations of a grafted semiflexible polymer and the diffusion-convection analogue: an effective-medium approach
P. Benetatos T. Munk E. Frey [arXiv:cond-mat/0501546]
Dynamics of force-induced DNA slippage
R. Neher U. Gerland -
Translocation of structured polynucleotides through nanopores
U. Gerland R. Bundschuh T. Hwa
Dynamics of Competitive Evolution on a Smooth Landscape
W. Peng U. Gerland T. Hwa H. Levine -
Mechanically probing the folding pathway of single RNA molecules
U. Gerland R. Bundschuh T. Hwa -
On schemes of combinatorial transcription logic
N. E. Buchler U. Gerland T. Hwa
On the Selection and Evolution of Regulatory Binding Motifs
U. Gerland T. Hwa -
Physical Constraints and Functional Characteristics of Transcription Factor-DNA Interaction
U. Gerland D. Moroz T. Hwa
Force-induced denaturation of RNA
U. Gerland R. Bundschuh T. Hwa