Homepage of new group: MPIKS, division biological physics
Curriculum Vitae
- July. 24, 1983, born in Munich
- 2003 Abitur at Gymnasium Kirchheim
- 2003 study of physics at Ludwigs-Maximillians Universität München
- 2005 Prediplom in physics at LMU München
- 2008 Diploma in physics in the group of professor Erwin Frey at LMU
- 2013 PhD in physics, group of Erwin Frey
- since August 2013: Postdoc in the group of Prof. Jülicher, MPIPKS Dresden
Research Interests:
- Origin of Noise and Alignment in various experimental driven particle systems
- Agent-based modeling and kinetic theory for driven particles
- Active Fluids and pattern formation
- Modelling of transport processes in microfluidic devices
- Theory of Free Flow Isoelectric focusing in a rectangular geometry
Conferences and research stays:
- 464th WE Heraeus-Seminar Bad Honnef: Self-Organization in Cell Assemblies and Tissues, Bad Honnef, Aug 29-Sept 3
- Colmot, MPIPKS Dresden, Nov 2011
- KITP conference Biopoly, Santa Barbara, California, May 2011
- KITP program "Biological Frontiers of Polymer and Soft Matter Physics", Santa Barbara, California, May-June 2011
- Dynact11, MPIPKS Dresden, Aug-Sept 2011
- Particules actives, ENS de Lyon, 9th/10th Mai 2012
- Advanced Study Group for collective motion, MPIPKS Dresden, coordination by Hugues Chaté, July 2012
- ZiF Workshop "Collective Motion in Biological Systems: from Data to Models", November 5 - 9, 2012
- Reseach stay in the group of Igor Aronson at the Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, November 2012
Invited Talks
- Humboldt-Universität Berlin, group of Lutz Schimansky-Geier, Statistical Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics & Stochastic Processes, February 6 2012
- ENS de Lyon, conference Particules actives, organized by E. Bertin, O. Dauchot and J.-C. Géminard
- Volker Schaller from the group of Prof. Bausch (TUM)
- Olivier Dauchot (ESPCI Paris) and Hugues Chaté (CEA Paris)
- Igor Aronson, Argonne National Laboratory
Numerical treatment of the Boltzmann equation for self-propelled particle systems
Florian Thüroff Christoph Weber Erwin Frey [arXiv:1411.4544] -
Defect-Mediated Phase Transitions in Active Soft Matter
Christoph A. Weber Christopher Bock Erwin Frey [arxiv:1404.1619]
Understanding Collective Dynamics of Soft Active Colloids by Binary Scattering
Timo Hanke Christoph A. Weber Erwin Frey [arxiv:1310.6214] -
Critical Assessment of the Boltzmann Approach to Active Systems
Florian Thüroff Christoph A. Weber Erwin Frey [arxiv:1310.5234] -
Long-range ordering of vibrated polar disks
Christoph A. Weber Timo Hanke Julien Deseigne Sébastien Léonard Olivier Dauchot Erwin Frey Hugue Chaté [arxiv:1304.4760] -
Role of particle conservation in self-propelled particle systems
Christoph A. Weber Florian Thüroff Erwin Frey [arxiv:1301.7701]
Nucleation-induced transition to collective motion in active systems
Christoph Weber Volker Schaller Andreas R. Bausch Erwin Frey [arxiv:1208.5448]
Frozen steady states in active systems
Volker Schaller Christoph Weber Benjamin Hammerich Erwin Frey Andreas R. Bausch [arXiv:1109.2764] -
Chemical cell trapping in controlled alternating gradient fields
B. Meier A. Zielinski C. Weber D. Arcizet S. Youssef T. Franosch J. O. Rädler D. Heinrich -
Polar Pattern Formation: Hydrodynamic coupling of driven filaments
Volker Schaller Christoph Weber Erwin Frey Andreas Bausch