Statistical and Biological Physics

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Professor Frey's talk in the "Wissenschaft für jedermann" series, "Die Physik lebender Systeme" (The Physics of Living Systems), on 12.02.2025 at 19:00 at the Deutsches Museum, Museumsinsel 1, 80538 München, is available on YouTube. more

Understanding the complexity of living systems poses a significant challenge for modern physics. Active matter offers a platform to explore the fundamental principles driving emergent collective behavior and self-organization. Recent experiments have shown that microtubules interacting with kinesin-4 motors can form structures such as active aster-like micelles and a novel non-equilibrium phase known as active foam. We have developed a field theory to describe these active supramolecular structures, explaining how motor-mediated interactions between microtubules give rise to these macroscopic patterns. Our numerical simulations reproduce the active micelle and foam phases observed in experiments, as well as the density-controlled transition between them. In our model, this transition occurs via a branching instability, breaking the radial symmetry of the micelles and leading to bilayer branch growth along the perimeter. more