Statistical and Biological Physics

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Jonas Denk

Dr. Jonas Denk

Former PhD student


Projects and Research Interests

The focus of my work lies on pattern formation in non-equilibrium biological systems. In
particular, this includes nonlinear dynamics in reaction-diffusion systems and active
processes during bacterial cell division.

Projects in reaction diffusion systems:

  • Pattern formation in the bacterial Min system (in collaboration with the lab of Petra
    Schwille, MPI of Biochemistry, Munich)
  • Selection of patterns in mass conserving reaction-diffusion systems

Projects in active matter:

  • Z-ring formation and self-assembly of FtsZ polymers during bacterial cell division
  • Hydrodynamics of active matter and active turbulence
  • Collective behavior of self-propelled particles for different interaction symmetries

Curriculum Vitae

  • 09/2016-12/2016: Research stay as a visiting student in the group of Jeff Gore in the
    Department of Physics of Living Systems at MIT, Cambridge, US.
  • since 09/2013: PhD Student
  • Master’s degree in physics at LMU Munich
    Master thesis: 'Formation of macroscopic order in systems of self-propelled particles for different collision rules'
  • 02/2011-04/2011: Research stay in the group of Carlos Acha in the low temperature lab at
    UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • 09/2010 - 01/2011: Master studies of physics at the UBC Vancouver, Canada
  • 07/2010: Bachelor's degree in physics at LMU Munich
    Bachelor thesis: 'Hopping transport on a disordered lattice for low obstacle
  • 02/2010-03/2010: Research stay in the group of Magnetohydrodynamics at US Seville, Spain
  • 09/2008 - 02/2009: Bachelor studies of physics at the US Seville, Spain
  • 2007-2010: Bachelor studies of physics at the LMU Munich
  • 2006-2007: Civilian service
  • 2006: Abitur at Werner-von-Siemens-Gymnasium Regensburg