- Advanced Statistical Physics (T_M1/TV, summer term 2019)
- Soft Matter Physics (TMP-TE1, summer term 2017)
- Stochastic Processes in Physics and Biology (TMP-TE2, winter term 2016/17)
Curriculum Vitae
- 2011: Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, VU Amsterdam
- 2007: MSc. in Physics, VU Amsterdam
- 2005: BSc. in Physics and Astronomy, VU Amsterdam
Academic Career
- 2020: Second affiliation ‒ Associate professor VU Amsterdam
- 2020: Tenured W2 professor LMU Munich
- Since 2017: Member of the Young College of the Bavarian Academy of Science
- Since 1-9-2015: Professor (W2) of Theoretical Physics - Statistical and Biological Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- 2011-2015: Lewis-Sigler Theory Fellow, Princeton University
- 2011-2015: Lecturer, Princeton University
- 1/4/2011 - 1/8/2011: Postdoc, VU Amsterdam
Selected Publications
D. Brückner, A. Fink, C. Schreiber, P. Röttgermann, J. Rädler, and C. P. Broedersz
Stochastic nonlinear dynamics of confined cell migration in two-state systems
Nature Physics (2019)
F. Gnesotto, F. Mura, J. Gladrow, C. P. Broedersz
Broken detailed balance and non-equilibrium dynamics in living systems: A review
Rep. Prog. Phys. 81, 066601 (2018). [arXiv:1710.03456]
Yu Long Han, Pierre Ronceray, Guoqiang Xu, Andrea Malandrino, Martin Lenz, Chase P. Broedersz+, Ming Guo+
Cell contraction induces long-ranged stress stiffening in the extracellular matrix
PNAS 115 (16), 4075-4080 (2018).
Federica Mura, Grzegorz Gradziuk, Chase P. Broedersz
Non-equilibrium scaling behaviour in driven soft biological assemblies
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 (3), 038002 (2018). [arXiv:1803.02797]
Jean-Charles Walter, Jérôme Dorignac , Frédéric Geniet , John Palmeri, Andrea Parmeggiani, Ned S. Wingreen, Chase P. Broedersz,
Looping and Clustering model for the organization of protein-DNA complexes on the bacterial genome,
Accepted for publication in the New Journal of Physics. [arXiv:1707.01373]
J. Gladrow, N. Fakhri, F.C. MacKintosh, C.F. Schmidt, C.P. Broedersz
Broken Detailed Balance of Filament Dynamics in Active Networks
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 (24), 248301 (2016).
P Ronceray, CP Broedersz+, and M Lenz+
Fiber networks amplify active stress
PNAS 113 (11), 2827-2832 (2016).
C Battle*, CP Broedersz*, N Fakhri*, VF Geyer, J Howard, CF Schmidt, and FC MacKintosh
Breaking detailed balance at the mesoscale in active biological systems
Science 352, 604-607 (2016).
C. P. Broedersz, X. Wang, Y. Meir, J. J. Loparo, D. Z. Rudner, and N. S. Wingreen
Condensation and localization of the partitioning protein ParB on the bacterial chromosome
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 111 (24) 8809-8814 (2014).
C. P. Broedersz, and F.C. MacKintosh
Modeling semiflexible polymer networks
Rev. of Mod. Phys., 86, 995 (2014).
C.P. Broedersz, M. Sheinman, and F.C. MacKintosh
Length-Controlled Elasticity in 3D Fiber Networks
Phys. Rev. Lett., 108: 078102 (2012).
C.P. Broedersz, X. Mao, T.C. Lubensky and F.C. MacKintosh
Criticality and isostaticity in fiber networks
Nature Physics 7, 983-988 (2011)
Morphology and Motility of Cells on Soft Substrates
Andriy Goychuk David B. Brückner Andrew W. Holle Joachim P. Spatz Chase P. Broedersz Erwin Freysubmitted for publication.[arXiv:1808.00314]
Geometry adaptation of protrusion and polarity dynamics in confined cell migration
David B. Brückner Matthew Schmitt Alexandra Fink Johannes Flommersfeld Nicolas Arlt Edouard Hannezo Joachim O. Rädler Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:2106.01014] -
Exploiting nonlinear elasticity for robust mechanosensation in disordered fiber networks
Estelle Berthier Pierre Ronceray Chase P. Broederszin preparation. -
Disentangling cadherin-mediated cell-cell interactions in collective cancer cell migration
Themistoklis Zisis* David B. Brückner* Tom Brandstätter Joseph d'Alessandro Angelika Vollmar Chase P. Broedersz Stefan Zahler [biorXiv: 10.1101/2021.05.07.442718]
Single-cell growth inference of Corynebacterium glutamicum reveals asymptotically linear growth
Fabian Meyer Marc Bramkamp Chase P. Broedersz [bioRxiv:10.1101/2020.05.25.115055] -
Theory of Active Intracellular Transport by DNA-relaying
Christian Hanauer Silke Bergeler Erwin Frey Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:2101.02640] -
Learning the distribution of single-cell chromosome conformations in bacteria reveals emergent order across genomic scales
Jacqueline Janssen Muriel C.F. van Teeseling Martin Thanbichler Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:2002.03880] -
Learning the dynamics of cell-cell interactions in confined cell migration
David B. Brückner Nicolas Arlt Pierre Ronceray Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:2008.03978]
Learning the Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Brownian Movies
Federico S. Gnesotto Grzegorz Gradziuk Pierre Ronceray Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:2001.08642] -
Inferring the Dynamics of Underdamped Stochastic Systems
David B. Brückner Pierre Ronceray Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:2002.06680] -
Disentangling the Behavioural Variability of Confined Cell Migration
David B. Brückner Alexandra Fink Joachim O. Rädler Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:1910.02815] [bioRxiv:10.1101/797555] -
Lattice Kinetic Monte-Carlo Method for Simulating Chromosomal Dynamics and other (Non-)Equilibrium Bio-Assemblies
Christiaan A. Miermans Chase P. Broedersz
Area and geometry dependence of cell migration in asymmetric two-state micropatterns
Alexandra Fink David Brückner Christoph Schreiber Peter Röttgermann Chase Broedersz Joachim Rädler [bioRxiv:10.1101/815472] -
Mesoscopic non-equilibrium measures can reveal intrinsic features of the active driving
Federica Mura Grzegorz Gradziuk Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:1905.13663] -
Non-equilibrium dynamics of isostatic spring networks
Federico S. Gnesotto Benedikt M. Remlein Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:1809.04639] -
Scaling behavior of non-equilibrium measures in internally driven elastic assemblies
Grzegorz Gradziuk Federica Mura Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:1901.03132] -
Stochastic nonlinear dynamics of confined cell migration in two-state systems
David Brückner Alexandra Fink Christoph Schreiber Peter Röttgermann Joachim Rädler Chase Broedersz [Nature Physics News & Views] [LMU Press Release] -
Fiber plucking by molecular motors yields large emergent contractility in stiff biopolymer networks
Pierre Ronceray Chase P. Broedersz Martin Lenz [arXiv:1805.04624]
Stress-dependent amplification of active forces in nonlinear elastic media
Pierre Ronceray Chase P. Broedersz Martin Lenz [arXiv:1805.02779] -
Bacterial chromosome organization by collective dynamics of SMC condensins
Christiaan A. Miermans Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:1805.03983] -
Non-equilibrium scaling behaviour in driven soft biological assemblies
Federica Mura Grzegorz Gradziuk Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:1803.02797] -
Broken detailed balance and non-equilibrium dynamics in living systems
F. Gnesotto F. Mura J. Gladrow C.P. Broedersz [arXiv:1710.03456] -
Guiding 3D cell migration in deformed synthetic hydrogel microstructures
Hugo Le Roy David B. Brückner Hanna Engelke Roman Zantl Chase P. Broedersz -
Looping and clustering model for the organization of partitioning proteins on the bacterial genome
Jean-Charles Walter Jérôme Dorignac Frédéric Geniet John Palmeri Andrea Parmeggiani Ned S. Wingreen Chase P. Broedersz [arXiv:1707.01373] -
Cell contraction induces long-ranged stress stiffening in the extracellular matrix
Yu Long Han Pierre Ronceray Guoqiang Xu Andrea Malandrino Martin Lenz Chase P. Broedersz+ Ming Guo+ [arXiv:1709.00793]
Nonequilibrium dynamics of probe filaments in actin-myosin networks
J. Gladrow C.P. Broedersz+ C.F. Schmidt+ [arXiv:1704.06243 ] -
Physical limits to biomechanical sensing in disordered fibre networks
F Beroz LM Jawerth S Münster DA Weitz CP Broedersz+ NS Wingreen+
Broken Detailed Balance of Filament Dynamics in Active Networks
J. Gladrow N. Fakhri F.C. MacKintosh C.F. Schmidt C.P. Broedersz -
Breaking detailed balance at the mesoscale in active biological systems
C Battle* CP Broedersz* N Fakhri* VF Geyer J Howard CF Schmidt FC MacKintosh -
Fiber networks amplify active stress
P Ronceray CP Broedersz+ M Lenz+ -
Multi-scale strain-stiffening of semiflexible bundle networks
IK Piechocka KA Jansen CP Broedersz NA Kurniawan FC MacKintosh GH Koenderink
Soft viscoelastic properties of nuclear actin age oocytes due to gravitational creep
Marina Feric C.P. Broedersz C.P. Brangwynne -
Statistical mechanics of the US Supreme Court
E.D. Lee C.P. Broedersz W. Bialek
Condensation and localization of the partitioning protein ParB on the bacterial chromosome
C. P. Broedersz X. Wang Y. Meir J. J. Loparo D. Z. Rudner N. S. Wingreen -
Modeling semiflexible polymer networks
C. P. Broedersz F.C. MacKintosh -
A New Approach to Analyze Nonlinear Stress Response in Large Amplitude Oscillatory (LAOS) measurement using Parallel Plates
Z. Fahimi C.P. Broedersz T.H.S. van Kempen D. Florea G.W.M. Peters H.M. Wyss
Nuclear mechanics: Lamin webs and pathological blebs
C.P. Broedersz C.P. Brangwynne -
Dynamical behavior of disordered spring networks
M.G. Yucht M. Sheinman C.P. Broedersz -
Stress-enhanced Gelation: A Dynamic Nonlinearity of Elasticity
N.Y. Yao C.P. Broedersz M. Depken D.J. Becker M.R. Pollak F.C. MacKintosh D.A. Weitz -
Attenuated short wavelength buckling and force propagation in a biopolymer-reinforced rod
W.L .Shan Z. Chen C.P. Broedersz A.A. Gumaste W. Soboyejo C.P. Brangwynne
Actively stressed marginal networks
M. Sheinman C.P. Broedersz F.C. MacKintosh -
Length-Controlled Elasticity in 3D Fiber Networks
C.P. Broedersz M. Sheinman F.C. MacKintosh -
Nonlinear effective medium theory of disordered spring networks
M. Sheinman C.P. Broedersz F.C. MacKintosh
Criticality and isostaticity in fiber networks
C.P. Broedersz X. Mao T.C. Lubensky F.C. MacKintosh -
Molecular motors stiffen non-affine semiflexible polymer networks
C.P. Broedersz F.C. MacKintosh -
Nonlinear Viscoelasticity of Actin Transiently Cross-linked with Mutant alpha-Actinin-4
N.Y. Yao D. Becker C.P. Broedersz M. Depken M. Pollak F.C. MacKintosh D.A. Weitz
Cross-link governed dynamics of biopolymer networks
C.P. Broedersz M. Depken N.Y. Yao M.R. Pollak D.A. Weitz F.C. MacKintosh -
Nonlinear rheology of cross-linked biopolymer gels
C.P. Broedersz K.E. Kasza L.M. Jawerth S. Muenster D.A. Weitz F.C. MacKintosh -
Divalent Cations Crosslink Vimentin Intermediate Filament Tail Domains to Regulate Network Mechanics
Y.C. Lin C.P. Broedersz A.C. Rowat T. Wedig H. Herrmann F.C. MacKintosh D.A. Weitz -
Elasticity in ionically cross-linked neurofilament networks
N.Y. Yao C.P. Broedersz Y.C. Lin K.E. Kasza F.C. MacKintosh D.A. Weitz -
Origins of elasticity in intermediate filament networks
Y.C. Lin N.Y. Yao C.P. Broedersz H. Herrmann F.C. MacKintosh D.A. Weitz -
Actin filament length tunes elasticity of flexibly crosslinked actin networks
K.E. Kasza C.P. Broedersz G.H. Koenderink Y.C. Lin W. Messner E.A. Millman F. Nakamura T.P. Stossel F.C. MacKintosh D.A. Weitz
Hydrogenography of MgyNi1-yHx gradient thin films: Interplay between the thermodynamics and kinetics of hydrogenation
R. Gremaud C.P. Broedersz A. Borgschulte M.J. van Setten H. Schreuders M. Slaman B. Dam R. Griessen -
Effective medium approach for stiff polymer networks with flexible cross-links
C.P. Broedersz C. Storm F.C. MacKintosh -
Nonlinear elasticity of stiff biopolymers connected by flexible linkers
K.E. Kasza G.H. Koenderink Y.C. Lin C.P. Broedersz W. Messner F. Nakamura T.P. Stossel F.C. MacKintosh D.A. Weitz
Nonlinear elasticity of composite networks of stiff biopolymers with flexible linkers
C.P. Broedersz C. Storm F. C. MacKintosh -
The highly destabilized Mg-Ti-Ni-H system investigated by density functional calculations and hydrogenography experiments
C.P. Broedersz R. Gremaud B. Dam R. Griessen O.M. Lovvik -
Tuning the electrical, structural and optical properties of in-situ grown MgH2 thin films by activated reactive evaporation
R.J. Westerwaal C.P. Broedersz R. Gremaud M. Slaman A. Borgschulte W. Lohstroh K.G. Tschersich H.P. Fleischhauer B. Dam R. Griessen
Highly destabilized Mg-based hydrogen storage materials identified through combinatorial screening
R. Gremaud C.P. Broedersz D. Borsa A. Borgschulte P. Mauron H. Schreuders J.H. Rector B. Dam R. Griessen -
Combinatorial thin film methods for the search of new light-weight metal-hydrides
B. Dam R. Gremaud C. Broedersz R. Griessen
Optical, structural, and electrical properties of Mg2NiH4 thin films in-situ grown by activated reactive evaporation
R.J. Westerwaal M. Slaman A. Borgschulte C.P. Broedersz D.M. Borsa W. Lohstroh B. Kooi G. ten Brink K.G. Tschersich H.P. Fleischhauer B. Dam R. Griessen