Theresienstr. 37
D-80333 Munich
D-80333 Munich
+49 (0)89 2180-4187
Research interests
- Intracellular pattern formation
- Mass-conserving reaction–diffusion systems
- Coarsening and wavelength selection
- Nonlinear dynamics and complex systems
Curriculum Vitae
- 2014 Abitur, Christian-von-Dohm-Gymnasium Goslar
- 2014 – 2017 Bachelor studies of Physics, University of Constance
- 2017 External bachelor thesis with Prof. Kristian S. Thygesen, Technical University of Denmark; „First-principles calculations of plasmon lifetimes in metal nanostructures“
- 2017 – 2020 Master studies of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (TMP), LMU & TU Munich;
Thesis: "Long-scale Dynamics of Mass-Conserving Reaction–Diffusion Models" - Since 2020 PhD student
Robust and resource-optimal dynamic pattern formation of Min proteins in vivo
Ziyuan Ren* Henrik Weyer* Michael Sandler* Laeschkir Würthner* Haochen Fu Chanin B. Tangtartharakul Dongyang Li Cindy Sou Daniel Villarreal Judy E. Kim Erwin Frey+ Suckjoon Jun+accepted for publication in Nature Physics.[bioRxiv:2023.08.15.553443] -
Basic interactions responsible for thymus function explain convoluted medulla shape
David Muramatsu* Henrik Weyer* Florian Gartner Erwin Freysubmitted for publication.[bioRxiv:2024.09.29.615586] -
Deciphering the Interface Laws of Turing Mixtures and Foams
Henrik Weyer Tobias A. Roth Erwin Freysubmitted for publication.[arXiv:2409.20070] -
Chemotaxis-induced phase separation
Henrik Weyer* David Muramatsu* Erwin Freysubmitted for publication.[arXiv:2409.20090] -
Coarsening dynamics of chemotactic aggregates
Henrik Weyer* David Muramatsu* Erwin Freysubmitted for publication.[arXiv:2409.20100]
Coarsening and wavelength selection far from equilibrium: a unifying framework based on singular perturbation theory
Henrik Weyer Fridtjof Brauns Erwin Frey [arXiv:2203.03892]