Curriculum Vitae
- since 2012 PhD student at LS Frey
- Master's degree obtained at LMU Munich, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics program (2009-2012)
- Obtained Bachelor in Physics at Università di Trieste, Italy (2005–2009)
- High School Diploma at Liceo L.Ariosto in Ferrara, Italy (2000–2005)
Cooperation in Microbial Populations: Theory and Experimental Model Systems
Jonas B. Cremer Anna Melbinger Karl Wienand Tania Henriquez Heinrich Jung Erwin Frey [arXiv:1909.11338]
Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics of a Population with Randomly Switching Carrying Capacity
Karl Wienand Erwin Frey Mauro Mobilia [arXiv:1712.07939] -
Interactions mediated by a public good transiently increase cooperativity in growing Pseudomonas putida metapopulations
Felix Becker* Karl Wienand* Matthias Lechner Erwin Frey+ Heinrich Jung+ [arXiv:1803.04179]
Evolution of a Fluctuating Population in Randomly Switching Environment
Karl Wienand Erwin Frey Mauro Mobilia [arXiv:1708.08841]