Statistical and Biological Physics

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Dr. Claus Heußinger

Dr. Claus Heußinger

Former Ph.D. student



  • Elasticity of Stiff Polymer Networks

Curriculum Vitae

  • since Jan 2012 leader of an independent Emmy Noether group, University Göttingen
  • August 2010 - Dec 2011 postdoctoral fellow in the group of Annette Zippelius at the Georg-August University Göttingen
  • Sept 2007 - July 2010: postdoctoral fellow in the group of Jean-Louis Barrat at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
  • since April 2005: Ph.D. student at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Statistical and Biological Physics group of Prof. E. Frey
  • March 2003 - March 2005: Ph.D. student at the Hahn-Meitner Institute, Berlin, Abteilung SF5 of Prof. E. Frey
  • November 1996 - August 2002: Degree in Physics at the Bayerische Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg
  • August 2001 - August 2002: Diploma Thesis on Fermionic Spin Systems with Factorized Random Interactions, supervisor Prof. R. Oppermann
  • October 1999 - July 2000: Academic year at the University of Edinburgh
  • June 1995: Abitur at Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliches Gymnasium Bayreuth