Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

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Is there anything you would like to tell students thinking about applying for TMP?

  • Go for it. It has been a very enriching experience to be part of TMP and I will cherish many memories for the rest of my life.

  • Do not hesitate to apply. If you like the program you probably already have what it takes.

  • If you are interested in theoretical physics and mathematics and sometimes maybe felt that the two worlds were not completely linked together during your bachelors, just apply. There’s no need to have too many doubts. The subject-specific education is really great and the people are eager to make everything around your studies as enjoyable for you as possible.

  • You won’t regret applying for TMP as long as you are passionate about math and physics.

  • If you are a physicists interested to get the hands dirty with maths, or if you are a mathematician who wants to solve real-world problems, you should definitely apply! For sure you will find something you like, even if you are still not certain about what field you are interested in.

  • For the students who are thinking about applying, I'd like to say that TMP is truly a unique program. You won't be able to find anything like that anywhere in the world, I promise, you won't regret studying here!

  • If you look at the TMP curriculum and find yourself drawn to it, you should apply! Don't fall for the imposter syndrome! All TMP students are students, after all. If you are interested in and want to take the classes listed in the TMP curriculum, you will bring enough previous knowledge to successfully work through the assignments. And you will find a great community and friends among TMP, who will share the joyful moments and the tough times with you. Also, there are much more interesting TMP lectures than any student can take in two years. If you can, maybe consider adding a third year to dig into a few other lectures outside your main interest.

  • Do it. I think you'll actually learn theoretical physics at TMP.

  • TMP is a great study program tailored for students interested in both physics and mathematics (and in their intersection). If this is what you are after, apply for the program. In your application, make clear why you want to study TMP rather than the usual Physics Master. Exceptionally good grades in your Bachelor studies are neither sufficient for themselves nor are they the only decisive criterion to be accepted into the program. If you are not certain whether your grades or your motivation are good enough, just give it a try and apply ;)
