Archive Summer 2023
(20.04.) 3d gravity and Teichmueller TQFT
Lorenz Eberhardt (IAS)
(27.04) The off-shell string effective action and black hole entropy
Amr Ahmadain (Cambridge)
(04.05) Entanglement, Chaos and Quantum Computation
Yaron Oz (Tel Aviv University)
(11.05.) The Dark Dimension
Miguel Montero (CSIC)
(25.05.) Distance Conjectures: from CFTs to Bottom-up to the Species Scale
Jose Calderon-Infante (CERN)
(01.06.) Classical Black Hole Scattering from a World-Line Quantum Field Theory
Jan Plefka (HU Berlin)
(15.06.) Emergent N=4 supersymmetry from N=1
Monica Kang (Caltech)
(15.06.) Modular Forms and the Road to Heterotic Vacua
Nicole Righi (King's College)
(30.06.) Symmetry Resolution at High Energy
Hirosi Ooguri (Caltech/IPMU)
(13.07.) Probing faraway regions of moduli space
Matilda Delgado (IFT Madrid)
(20.07.) Branes, Quivers and BPS Algebras
Miroslav Rapcak (CERN)