Archive Winter 2018/19
(18.10.) Black holes and thermality of eigenstates
Julian Sonner (Geneva)
(25.10.) A superconformal bootstrap approach to the simplest Argyres-Douglas theory
Madalena Lemos (DESY)
(08.11.) Killing spinors from classical r-matrices
Yuta Sekiguchi (Bern)
(15.11.) Is de Sitter impossible in String Theory?
Thomas van Riet (Leuven)
(22.11.) AdS4-Graviton mass from Holography
Ioannis Lavdas (Paris)
(29.11.) Integrable deformation and Poisson-Lie T-duality from a doubled perspective
Saskia Demulder (Brussels)
(06.12.) 4d SCFTs via discrete gauging
Alessandro Pini (Desy)
(13.12.) N=2 AdS4 backgrounds of massive type IIA
Daniel Prins (Saclay & Milano)
(20.12.) Integrability, Poisson-Lie Symmetry and Double Field Theory
Falk Hassler (Oviedo)
(10.01.) Higher Spin Theories, Swampland and Gravitational S-folds
Dieter Lüst (LMU)
(17.01.) Towards a more efficient model of particle physics
Cohl Furey (Cambridge)
(24.01.) The Universal Geometry of Heterotic Vacua
Jock McOrist (Surrey)
(31.01.) BPS black holes and mock modularity of higher depth
Sergey Alexandrov (Montpellier)
(07.02.) Mirror Symmetry of Branes and the Quest of Hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Hans Jockers (Bonn)