Archive Winter 2020/21
(15.10.) Swampland constraints on de Sitter from 10d and 4d
Niccolò Cribiori (Vienna, Tech. U.)
(22.10.) String defects, supersymmetry and the swampland
Quentin Bonnefoy (DESY)
(29.10.) Neural Networks and Quantum Field Theory
Jim Halverson (Northeastern U.)
(05.11.) Bubbles and the Swampland
Irene Valenzuela (Haravard U.)
(12.11.) How tropical are scattering amplitudes?
Georgios Papathanasiou (DESY)
(19.11.) Resurgence, BPS states, and quantum knot invariant
Marcos Marino (Geneva U.)
(26.11.) Strongly coupled QFT dynamics via TQFT coupling
Mithat Ünsal (North Carolina)
(03.12.) Multiple scaling limits of O(D)-invariant multi-matrix models (NOTE SPECIAL TIME)
Sylvain Carozza (Perimeter)
(10.12.) A derivation of AdS/CFT for vector models NOTE SPECIAL TIME
Ofer Aharony (Weizmann Inst.)
(17.12.) Global symmetries, cobordisms, and string universality NOTE SPECIAL TIME
Miguel Montero (Harvard)
(14.01.) The AdS_5 x S^5 Twistor String
Nathan Berkovits (Sao Paolo)
(21.01.) Inside the hologram
Daniel Jafferis (Harvard U.)
(28.01.) A complete mass spectrum of type-IIB flux vacua
Mikel A. Urkiola (University of the Basque Country)
(04.02.) Twisted Holography & Koszul Duality (at 16:30)
Natalie Paquette (Caltech)