Mathematical Physics and String Theory

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Archive Winter 2020/21

15.10.2020 AT 16:15
22.10.2020 AT 16:15
29.10.2020 AT 16:15
05.11.2020 AT 16:15

(05.11.) Bubbles and the Swampland
Irene Valenzuela (Haravard U.)

12.11.2020 AT 16:15
19.11.2020 AT 16:15
26.11.2020 AT 16:15
03.12.2020 AT 13:15
10.12.2020 AT 15:00
17.12.2020 AT 17:15
14.01.2021 AT 16:15
21.01.2021 AT 16:15

(21.01.) Inside the hologram
Daniel Jafferis (Harvard U.)

28.01.2021 AT 16:15

(28.01.) A complete mass spectrum of type-IIB flux vacua
Mikel A. Urkiola (University of the Basque Country)

04.02.2021 AT 16:30