Archive Winter 2023/24
(19.10.) Understanding the (Tower) Weak Gravity Conjecture
Alessandro Minnino (DESY)
(26.10.) Why Symplectic Singularities?
Antoine Bourget (IPhT Saclay)
(02.11.) Glimmers from the Axiverse
Jakob Moritz (CERN)
(09.11.) New probes of the string spectrum
Chrysoula Markou (U. Mons)
(16.11.) Connecting flux vacua with scalar field excursions
Vincent van Hemelryk (Uppsala)
(23.11.) The Correspondence Between Rotating Black Holes and Fundamental Strings
Nejc Ceplak (Trinity Coll. Dublin)
(07.12.) AdS_3 String Theory Near the Boundary
Bob Knighton (Cambridge U.)
(14.12.) Orientifold reductions with fluxes and dynamical open strings
Giuseppe Dibitetto (Rome Tor Vergata)
(21.12.) Analytically continued Chern-Simons theory on plumbed 3-manifolds
Pavel Putrov (ICTP Trieste)
(11.01.) Cancelled: Towards Fay identities and an analogue of the Kronecker function at genus two
Johannes Broedel (ETH Zurich)
(18.01.) Gauge Gravity Duality in Low Dimensions — JT Gravity, Random Matrices and Beyond
Hans Jockers (Mainz U.)
(25.01.) Alpha prime corrections to stringy BH thermodynamics
Matteo Zatti (IFT Madrid)
(01.02) Spotting (String) Axions in the Cosmos
Jacob Leedom (DESY)
(08.02) The Bestiary of 6d SCFTs and Where to Find Them
Florent Baume (DESY)
(15.02.) Nonassociative geometric flows and gravity with star products defined by R-flux deformations in string theory
Sergiu Vacaru (Ukraine, R. Moldova and Romania)
(22.02.) Quantum (in)stability of maximally symmetric space-times
Elias Kiritsis (APC Paris & University of Crete & ASC)