Mathematical Physics and String Theory

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(08.02) The Bestiary of 6d SCFTs and Where to Find Them

Florent Baume (DESY)

08.02.2024 at 16:15

In this talk, I will review the classification of 6d (1,0) SCFTs and their construction from string theory, where a large class of models can be understood as originating from complex-structure deformations of the geometry associated with a few "parent theories". I will then show that their anomaly polynomial, from which part of the protected conformal data can be extracted, can be found in terms of group theory without ever needing to refer to the geometric construction. In turn, I will argue this result has a very simple and purely field-theoretic interpretation as a consequence of Goldstone's theorem.

Arnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37
Room 348 via ZOOM