Archive Summer 2019
(25.04.) Non-geometric backgrounds in string theory
Erik Plauschinn (LMU)
(02.05.) Thraxions
Jakob Moritz (Desy)
(09.05.) Lessons from CFTs on nontrivial manifolds
Anastasios Petkou (Thessaloniki)
(09.05.) Geometry, Modularity, and Quantum Gravity Conjectures
Seung-Joo Lee (Cern)
(16.05.) Boundary renormalisation group interfaces
Anatoly Konechny (Edinburgh)
(23.05.) A proposal for nonabelian mirrors in two-dimensional theories
Eric Sharpe (Virginia)
(06.06.) The Worldsheet Dual of the Symmetric Product CFT
Lorenz Eberhardt (Zurich)
(13.06.) Dark energy and string theory
Per Berglund (New Hampshire University)
(13.06.) Deep learning and holographic QCD
Koji Hashimoto (Osaka)
(27.06.) On quantum error correction
Cesar Gomez (Madrid)
(04.07.) String Theory and Non-relativistic Gravity
Eric Bergshoeff (Groningen)
(18.07.) Unconventional D-branes on T^4
Jakub Vosmera (Prague)
(25.07.) What is dark matter?
Hitoshi Murayama (UC and LBL Berkley & Kavli IPMU)