Archive Summer 2021
(15.04.) Spinning into the EFThedron
Yu-Tin Huang (Taiwan U)
(22.04.) Wormholes in Holography and the Swampland
Jacob McNamara (Harvard U.)
(29.04.) Numerical Calabi-Yau metrics from holomorphic networks
Mike Douglas (CMSA Harvard and Stony Brook )
(06.05.) Flatspace Holography: Celestial Amplitudes and Symmetries
Monica Pate (Harvard U.)
(20.05.) Covariance of physical laws in Quantum Reference Frames and the extension of the Equivalence Principle
Flaminia Giacomini (Perimeter Inst.)
(27.05.) Higher Form Symmetries in String/M-theory and Confinement
Sakura Schafer-Nameki (Oxford U.)
(10.06.) Finding Pythons in Unexpected Places
Geoff Penington (UC Berkeley & IAS Princeton)
(17.06.) Page curve reproductions vs new physics
Anna Karlsson (Utrecht)
(24.06.) Higher Spin Gravity: from quantum gravity to three-dimensional bosonization duality
Eugeny Skvortsov (ASC)
(08.07.) Bootstrapping holographic defect correlators in N=4 SYM
Pedro Liendo (DESY)