Archive Winter 2024/25
(17.10.) Quantum Group as a Global Symmetry
Victor Gorbenko (EPFL)
(24.10.) A supergravity perspective on D(-1)/D7 bound states and dreams about 0-dimensional holography
Thomas Van Riet (Leuven)
(31.10.) Anomalous topological symmetries in QFT
Jackson van Dyke (TUM)
(07.11.) Differential equations for Carrollian amplitudes
Bin Zhu (Edinburgh)
(14.11.) Recent developments on the moduli space curvature
Luca Melotti (IFT Madrid)
(21.11.) UV/IR mixing and a new nonrenormalisation theorem
Steven Abel (Durham)
(28.11.) Preheating Axions in String Cosmology
Margherita Putti (Hamburg)