Archive Summer 2022
(28.04.) Causality and modifications to Einstein's gravity
Simon Caron-Huot (McGill U.)
(05.05.) Topological solitons in gravity
Ibrahima Bah (Johns Hopkins U. and Princeton, Inst. Advanced Study)
(12.05.) Hidden conformal symmetries of gravitational mini-superspace
Etera Livine (ENS, Lyon, Lab. Phys.)
(19.05.) The tadpole problem
Mariana Graña (IPhT, Saclay)
(02.06.) The mysterious (asymptotic) tadpole
Alvaro Herraez (IPhT, Saclay)
(09.06.) LVS parametric tadpole constraint
Arthur Hebecker (Heidelberg U.)
(23.06.) Superstring loop amplitudes from the field theory limit
Yvonne Geyer (Chulalongkorn U.)
(30.06.) Calabi-Yau flops and the weak gravity conjecture
Naomi Gendler (Cornell U.)
(07.07.) Summing over bordisms in TQFT
Greg Moore (Rutgers U.)
(14.07) Bounds on Kaluza–Klein spin-two fields
Alessandro Tomasiello (Milan Bicocca U.)
(28.07.) Factorization and global symmetry in holography
Lorenzo Di Pietro (Trieste)