Mathematical Physics and String Theory

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(12.05.) Hidden conformal symmetries of gravitational mini-superspace

Etera Livine (ENS, Lyon, Lab. Phys.)

12.05.2022 at 16:15

Using the FLRW cosmology of a scalar field and the Schwarzschild mechanics for spherically symmetric space-time metrics as basic examples of gravitational mini-superspaces, we look into their conserved charges and reveal conformal symmetries that drive their dynamics. These once hidden symmetries define non-trivial maps between classical trajectories and produce non-trivial phase factors at the quantum level. They can also be used as a protection criterion to discriminate between modified gravity proposals and singularity resolution scenarii. We discuss the extension to general mini-superspaces and to full general relativity.

Arnold Sommerfeld Center
Theresienstrasse 37
Room 348