Mathematical Physics and String Theory

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(17.11.) Distinguishing SCFTs in 4d and 6d

Craig Lawrie (DESY)

17.11.2022 at 16:15

When do two quantum field theories describe the same physics? I will discuss some approaches to this question in the context of superconformal field theories in four and six dimensions. First, I will discuss the construction of 6d (1,0) SCFTs from the perspective of the "atomic classification", focussing on an oft-overlooked subtlety whereby distinct SCFTs in fact share an effective description on the generic point of the tensor branch. We will see how to determine the difference in the Higgs branch operator spectrum from the atomic perspective, and how that agrees with a dual class S perspective. I will explain how other 4d N=2 SCFTs, which a priori look like distinct theories, can be shown to describe the same physics, as they arise as torus compactifications of identical 6d theories.

Arnold Sommerfeld Center
Theresienstrasse 37 Room A348 and via ZOOM