Theoretical Nanophysics

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Master projects

Master thesis information event: Presentation of Master projects on Tuesday, 20.08.2024, at 11:00, online on Zoom

We are always looking for motivated students who like to start their Master research project in a stimulating environment. Potential candidates with a background in either theoretical quantum physics or numerical physics and good grades (average grade ideally <1.5) are more than welcomed to contact us to discuss possible projects. Possible recent projects are concerned with

  • Foundation of entanglement in identical particle systems
  • Tensor network methods for strongly corelated electrons
  • Foundation of quantum computing and development of quantum algorithms
  • Development & application of numerical methods in quantum chemistry
  • Geometry of density matrices and its role in functional theory
  • Entanglement scaling laws for confined electron systems
  • Generalization of Pauli's exclusion principle
  • Novel exclusion principle for hard-core bosons

Inquiries about a possible Master project shall be send together with a CV & academic transcripts (Bachelor and ongoing Master) to:                                                                                                                      Also let us know when you plan to have finished your Master course work and like to start the Master project afterwards.