Topics for Bachelor/Master Theses
If you are interested in doing a Bachelor thesis or Master thesis at our chair, then please contact Prof. U. Schollwöck ( or Prof. L. Pollet (
Master Theses
We offer topics for master thesis in the following main areas of research:
a) Development of density matrix renormlization group codes or related
methods based on tensor-newtwork algorithms
b) Nonequilibrium physcs of interacting fermions, spin or bosons, in particular,
in the context of ultracold atomic gases
c) Quantum magnetism, including frustrated magnets, spin and heat transport, and time-resolved probes
d) Transport properties of nanostructures such as quantum dots, single-molecule conductors, etc.
Our main tool is the DMRG method (for an introduction, see Prof. Schollwöck's reviews: Ann. Phys. (NY) 326, 96 (2011) and Rev. Mod. Phys. 77, 259 (2005)), yet we also use other numerical methods such as Monte Carlo simulations or exact diagonalization.
For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. U. Schollwöck (