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The theoretical nanophysics group invites applications for PhD (3 years) and postdoctoral positions (2 years).
The group deals with a broad range of topics, including low-dimensional strongly correlated quantum systems such as quantum spin chains, frustrated magnets, conducting polymers and ultracold bosonic and fermionic atomic gases in optical lattices. In terms of methodology, we employ both analytical and numerical techniques, with a heavy focus on the application of numerical methods (DMRG, MPS, tensor product states) and their further development in view of their connection to quantum information theory.
The group's research at the Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics and the Center for NanoScience is embedded in a number of collaborative research networks, with strong connections to theoretical and experimental groups in Munich and beyond:
- The cluster of excellence "Nanosystems Initiative Munich" (NIM) of the German excellence initiative
- The LMUinnovativ innovation program "Functional Nanosystems"
- The DFG research unit 801 "Dynamics of multicomponent systems in ultracold atom gases"
- The DFG research unit 912 "Coherence and relaxation properties of electron spins"
- The DFG Priority Program SPP 1285 "Semiconductor Spintronics"
We invite applications from suitable candidates, starting immediately.
Applications will be considered until the positions have been filled.
Starting dates for the positions are flexible.
Please send the application material (CV including publication list) directly to
Schollwoeck and arrange for letters of reference
(two for postdoc applications, one for PhD applications) to be sent to the same address, clearly stating the applicant's name in the subject line.
For further information navigate this website.
See also the web sites of the: