Theoretical Nanophysics

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Strong quantum interference in strongly disordered bosonic insulators

Sergey Syzranov (Karlsruhe)

09.05.2012 at 12:45 

S.V. Syzranov, A. Moor, K.B. Efetov

We study the variable-range hopping (VRH) of bosons in an array of sites with short-range interactions and a large characteristic coordination number. The latter leads to strong quantum interference phenomena yet allows for their analytical study. We develop a functional renormalization group scheme that repeatedly eliminates high-energy sites properly renormalizing the tunneling between the low-energy ones. Using this approach we determine the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the hopping conductivity and find a large positive magnetoresistance. With increasing magnetic field the behaviour of the conductivity crossovers from the Mott's law to an activational behaviour with the activation gap proportional to the magnetic field.

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