Mathematical Physics and String Theory

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List of Members

Members of the ASC: +49 (0)89 / 2180 - ....
Members at the MPI: +49 (0)89 / 32354 - ...


Surname, First name Title Position Room Phone Email
Brunner, Ilka Prof. Dr.  Professor A436 4379 mail
Lüst, Dieter Prof. Dr.  Spokesman of ASC A426 4372 mail
Mayr, Peter Prof. Dr.  Professor A424 4114 mail

Scientific Members

Surname, First name Title Position Room Phone Email
Andreev, Oleg Dr.  Research Fellow A433 4455 mail
Basile, Ivano Dr.  Research Fellow A430 4455 mail
Cheng, Peng Dr.  Research Fellow A430 4455 mail
Dierigl, Markus Dr.  Senior Researcher A432 4378 mail
Haack, Michael PD Dr.  Scientific Manager of the ASC A442 4377 mail
Helling, Robert Dr.  Manager of TMP Master Programme B339 4523 mail
Krippendorf, Sven Dr.  Senior Researcher A429 4368 mail
Kuipers, Folkert Dr.  Humboldt Fellow A428 4374 mail
Langenscheidt, Simon Ph.D. Student A438 4375 mail
Li, Tailin Ph.D. Student A438 4375 mail
Novicic, Dusan Ph.D. Student A431 4115 mail
Paraskevopoulou, Antonia Ph.D. Student A427 4524 mail
Saberi, Ingmar Dr.  Senior Researcher A439 4644 mail
Schachner, Andreas Dr.  Senior Researcher A430 4376 mail
Schneider, Christian Ph.D. Student A438 4147 mail
Zimmerman, Yonatan Ph.D. Student A438 4524 mail

Master Students

Surname, First name Title Position Room Phone Email
Angeloni, Elisa Master Student A437 4147
Armayor, Miguel Master Student A431 4115 mail
Buturca, Bianca Master Student A438 4375 mail
Ebelt, Julian Master Student A427 4524 mail
Luciani, William Master Student A437 4147 mail
Tovey, Samuel Master Student A431 4524 mail
Vittorio, Matteo Master Student A437 4147
Wang, Dayuan Master Student A431 4115 mail

Administrative Staff

Surname, First name Title Position Room Phone Email
Kürzinger, Monika Secretary A426 4373 mail
Rüter-Stimpfle, Margarita ASC and TMP Secretary B338 4641 mail


Surname, First name Title Position Room Phone Email
Bachas, Costas Prof. Dr.  Humboldt Prize Winner A441 mail
Kiritsis, Elias Prof. Dr.  Humboldt Prize Winner A424 4114 mail
Rastelli, Leonardo Prof. Dr.  Humboldt Prize Winner A441 mail
Zoupanos, George Prof. Dr.  Visiting Professor A441 mail