Research interests
- Chromosome organization and dynamics
- Non-equilibrium dynamics of biological systems
Curriculum Vitae
- 2022 Doctoral degree in Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- Since 09/2016: PhD student in the group of Prof. Dr. Chase Broedersz at the
LMU. Supported by the graduate school of Quantitative Biosciences Munich
(QBM). - 02/2016- 08/2016 Data Scientist at i2i - Intelligence to Integrity in
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. - 2013- 2015 Master in Theoretical Physics at the University of Amsterdam.
Master thesis: "The TASEP model and intracellular transport dynamics". - 2012- 2013 Internships for development organizations in Siam Reap, Cambodia
and in Lima, Peru. - 2008- 2012 Bachelor Bèta-Gamma (interdisciplinary studies) at the University
of Amsterdam, mayor Physics and Astrophysics.
Messelink, J., Rens, R., Vahabi, M., MacKintosh, F.C. and Sharma, A., 2016.
On-site residence time in a driven diffusive system: Violation and recovery
of a mean-field description. Physical Review E, 93(1), p.012119.