Arnold Sommerfeld Center

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Marc Busse

Marc Busse, Dipl. Phys.

PhD student

Further Information

Research Projects:

  • Decoherence theory: emergence and dynamics of pointer states
  • Quantum information: entanglement in open quantum systems
  • Actuarial mathematics: robust estimation of reserve risk

Short Curriculum Vitae:

  • since 12/2006: PhD student in the Theoretical Quantum Optics group at the LMU Munich
  • 07/2006-11/2006: Internship at Converium Ag, Zurich (Switzerland), 
    in the Financial Modeling unit of Michel Dacorogna     
  • 05/2005-05/2006: Diploma thesis on “Entanglement in open quantum systems”
    at the MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, under the guidance of Prof. Buchleitner 
  • 02/2003-11/2003: DAAD exchange student at University of Auckland, New Zealand
  • 04/2001: Vordiplom in physics, LMU Munich
  • 06/1999: Abitur at Gynasium Starnberg