Special Seminar
Wednesday 30 October 2024, 14:00
Rotating String Stars
Josef Seitz (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Room: Theresienstr. 37, A318
Friday 18 October 2024, 15:00
2-> N scattering in QCD and gravity: Universal features and emergent dynamics
Prof. Raju Venugopalan (Brookhaven National Lab)
Room: Theresienstr. 37, A318
Friday 26 July 2024, 15:00
Hint to Supersymmetry from GR Vacuum
Dr. Otari Sakhelashvili (The University of Sydney)
Room: A.1.01/03 - Alps at MPP, Garching
Wednesday 10 July 2024, 11:00
Finite-Temperature Instantons from First Principles
Dr. Morgane König (MIT)
Room: A.1.01/03 - Alps at MPP, Garching
Friday 14 June 2024, 14:00
Black holes and θ-vacua
Prof. Archil Kobakhidze (The University of Sydney)
Room: A.1.01/03 - Alps at MPP, Garching
Wednesday 22 November 2023, 10:00
Safe Supersymmetry Breaking
Prof. Borut Bajc (Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana)
Room: Theresienstr. 37, A318
Wednesday 8 November 2023, 14:15
QCD, Dilaton and Infrared Fixed Points
Prof. Roman Zwicky (Edinburgh U.)
Room: Theresienstr. 37, A318