Research Interests
- Dynamical properties of contractile biopolymer networks
- Cell dynamics driven by the cellular cytoskeleton
- Active matter physics and active gel theory
- Computer simulations of soft matter systems
Curriculum Vitae
- Since 2020: PhD Student in the group of Prof. Dr. Chase Broedersz
- 12/2019: Master Thesis on the “Mechanosensitivity of Contractile Biopolymer Networks“ in the group of Prof. Dr. Chase Broedersz, LMU Munich, Germany.
- 2018 - 2019: Masters Degree in Physics, LMU Munich, Germany.
- 2017 - 2018: Erasmus Semester, UPMC Paris, France.
- 2014 - 2018: Bachelors Degree in Physics, LMU Munich, Germany.
- 2014: Abitur at the Ehrenbürg Gymnasium Forchheim, Germany.