Archive Summer 2013
19.09.2013 AT 16:15
Firewalls and the Equivalence Principle
Raphael Bousso (Berkeley)
moreArnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37 Room 348/349
25.07.2013 AT 16:15
Novel approach to conformal supergravity in three dimensions
Sergei Kuzenko (The University of Western Australia)
moreArnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37 Room 348/349
An off-shell formulation of higher-spin gravity
Nicolas Boulanger (Université de Mons)
Cosmic phase transition of flat space in three dimensions
Daniel Grumiller (Vienna U.)
more18.04.2013 AT 16:15
Chameleonic strings and the cosmological constant problem
Andrea Zanzi (INFN, Florence)
moreArnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37 Room 348/349