Archive Summer 2020
22.07.2020 AT 12:30 - 22.07.2020 AT 13:30
New results on sigma-models and Ricci flow (2005.01812, 2006.14124)
Dmitri Bykov
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15.07.2020 AT 12:30 - 15.07.2020 AT 13:30
Remarks on color memory (1707.08016, 1805.12224, 1903.10231)
Oleg Andreev
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08.07.2020 AT 12:30 - 08.07.2020 AT 13:30
QCD string breaking on the lattice (hep-lat/0505012, 1902.04006, 2005.05723)
Marco Catillo / Marina Marinkovic
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01.07.2020 AT 12:30 - 01.07.2020 AT 13:30
Brane-Monodromy Duality at Infinite Distance
Eran Palti
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24.06.2020 AT 12:30 - 24.06.2020 AT 13:30
Yang Mills Theory from String Field Theory
Julian Freigang
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17.06.2020 AT 12:30 - 17.06.2020 AT 13:30
Plahte Diagrams for String Scattering Amplitudes (2005.01712)
Pouria Mazloumi
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10.06.2020 AT 12:30 - 10.06.2020 AT 13:30
Metric algebroid and Dirac generating operator in Double Field Theory (2005.04658)
Saskia Demulder
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03.06.2020 AT 12:30 - 03.06.2020 AT 13:30
Topics on spontaneous scalarization
Julio Alberto Mendez
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27.05.2020 AT 12:30 - 27.05.2020 AT 13:30
A Novel Approach to Particle Rerpresentations: Inducing gauge representations in matrix algebras
Brage Gording
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20.05.2020 AT 12:30 - 20.05.2020 AT 13:30
Causal Diamonds, Cluster Polytopes and Scattering Amplitudes (1912.12948)
David Damgaard
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13.05.2020 AT 12:30 - 13.05.2020 AT 13:30
Hard Proca, Generalized Proca and Procanuevo: dancing with the devil (2003.13773)
Vero Errasti Diez
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06.05.2020 AT 12:30 - 06.05.2020 AT 13:30
AdS4 black hole microstate counting from localization (1909.10550, 1803.07568, 1608.07294, 1511.04085)
Ioannis Lavdas
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29.04.2020 AT 12:30 - 29.04.2020 AT 13:30
Scale separation, Swampland, and type IIA orientifold vacua
Eran Palti
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