Archive Winter Semester 2024/2025
Dark bubbles and black shells – the darkest corners of the universe in a new light
Professor Ulf Danielsson (Uppsala University)
From Quantum Scattering Amplitudes to Gravitational Wave Observables
Professor Radu Roiban (Penn State University, USA)
Gravity as a Quantum Computer
Professor Raphael Bousso (UC Berkeley)
Microscopic Bounds on Macroscopic Theories
Professor Francesco Riva (Geneva U.)
ASC PhD-Prize Colloquium: What String Theory Teaches Us About Scattering amplitudes
Pouria Mazloumi (Mainz University)
Moire Systems as Quantum Simulators of Many Strongly Correlated System
Professor Andrei Bernevig (Princeton University)
Cancelled: Quantum fluctuations alter materials functionalities: cavity and floquet materials engineering
Professor Angel Rubio (MPI for the structure and dynamics of matter, Hamburg)
Primordial Black Holes After 50 Years: The Bright Side
Professor Bernard Carr (Queen Mary University of London)