Mathematical Physics and String Theory

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Archive Winter Semester 2023/2024

25.10.2023 AT 16:15
08.11.2023 AT 16:15
20.12.2023 AT 16:15
10.01.2024 AT 16:15

What is String Theory?
Professor Chris Hull (Imperial College London)

24.01.2024 AT 16:15

Quantum Electrodynamics Density functional theory (QEDFT): cavity quantum materials engineering
Professor Angel Rubio (Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg)

31.01.2024 AT 16:15

Resurgence and non-perturbative physics
Professor Marcos Marino (University of Geneva)

07.02.2024 AT 16:15

Isings Challenge and the Conformal Bootstrap
Professor Volker Schomerus (DESY)