Projects and Research Interests
Broadly interested in applying the methods and tools of theoretical biophysics, statistical mechanics and nonlinear dynamics to biological phenomena involving (among others): biomechanics and biochemistry; cell, tissue and population growth; cell migration; and population dynamics. The projects that I work on include:
- Single and collective cell migration in soft and rigid environments
- Computer vision and machine learning for cell detection
- Mass conserving reaction-diffusion systems in deforming geometries
- Mechanochemical interactions on the microscale
- Angiogenesis
Curriculum Vitae
- Since 2016: PhD Student in Physics at the LMU
- 2013—2016: Master Studies in Physics at the LMU. Master Thesis: “Tube Formation of Endothelial Cells — Quantitative analysis of two-dimensional tube formation assays and their numerical simulation on a cell level”
- 2010—2013: Bachelor Studies in Physics at the LMU. Bachelor Thesis: “Angiogenesis and Vasculogenesis — Development of a Mathematica-toolset for the analysis of experimental videos”
- 2010: General qualification for university entrance (Abitur). Holbein Gymnasium, Augsburg, Germany
Morphology and Motility of Cells on Soft Substrates
Andriy Goychuk David B. Brückner Andrew W. Holle Joachim P. Spatz Chase P. Broedersz Erwin Freysubmitted for publication.[arXiv:1808.00314]
Self-consistent sharp interface theory of active condensate dynamics
Andriy Goychuk Leonardo Demarchi Ivan Maryshev Erwin Frey [arXiv:2401.17111]
Geometry-induced patterns through mechanochemical coupling
Laeschkir Würthner* Andriy Goychuk* Erwin Frey [arXiv:2205.02820] -
Enzyme-enriched condensates show self-propulsion, positioning, and coexistence
Leonardo Demarchi Andriy Goychuk Ivan Maryshev Erwin Frey [Droplets Come to Life (Viewpoint Article by David Zwicker, Physics 16, 45)] [arXiv:2301.00392]
Surface tension induced budding drives alveologenesis in human mammary gland organoids
Pablo A. Fernández* Benedikt Buchmann* Andriy Goychuk* Lisa Engelbrecht Marion Raich Christina Scheel Erwin Frey+ Andreas R. Bausch+ -
A diffusiophoretic mechanism for ATP-driven transport without motor proteins
Beatrice Ramm* Andriy Goychuk* Alena Khmelinskaia Philipp Blumhardt Kristina Ganzinger Erwin Frey+ Petra Schwille+ [bioRxiv:10.1101/2020.05.01.072744] -
Tissue flow through pores: a computational study
Felix Kempf Andriy Goychuk Erwin Freysubmitted for publication.[bioRxiv: 10.1101/2021.03.25.436985] -
Optically Transparent Vertical Silicon Nanowire Arrays for Live-Cell Imaging
A. Kosloff A. W. Holle J. Young M. A. George O. Heifler A. Goychuk E. Frey J. P. Spatz F. Patolsky R. Elnathan N. H. Voelcker
Cell-Based Strain Remodeling of a Nonfibrous Matrix as an Organizing Principle for Vasculogenesis
Daniel Rüdiger Kerstin Kick Andriy Goychuk Angelika M. Vollmar Erwin Frey Stefan Zahler [bioRxiv:10.1101/816496] -
Quasi-periodic migration of single cells on short microlanes
Fang Zhou Sophia A. Schaffer Christoph Schreiber Felix J. Segerer Andriy Goychuk Erwin Frey Joachim O. Rädler [bioRxiv:10.1101/809939]
Bridging the gap between single cell migration and collective dynamics
Florian Thüroff* Andriy Goychuk* Matthias Reiter Erwin Frey [bioRxiv:10.1101/548677] -
Protein recruitment through indirect mechanochemical interactions
Andriy Goychuk Erwin Frey [arXiv:1910.00977]