Videos: Fields and Duality 2017
Videos of the Talks
- Benjamin Assel: The infrared fixed points of bad theories
- Christopher Beem: Comments on Vertex Operator Algebras for N=2 SCFTs
- Cyril Closset: Supersymmetric partition functions and the A-model
- Tudor Dimofte: Dual boundary conditions for 3d N=2 gauge theories
- Bruno Le Floch: Orbifolds of 4d N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories
- Sergei Gukov: Topological twists of non-Lagrangian theories
- Jonathan Heckman: 6D Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
- Jan Manschot: Topological partition functions and (iterated) integrals of modular forms
- Nikita Nekrasov: Gauge origami (missing a few moments around 20:25 min, due to a technical problem with the recording)
- Tomas Prochazka: Webs of W algebras
- Shlomo Razamat: E-string theory on Riemann surfaces
- Alessandro Tomasiello: Six-dimensional CFTs and M5-branes
- Yutaka Yoshida: Vortices , wall-crossing and 3d Seiberg like dualities
- Alberto Zaffaroni: Localization and entropy counting