Nonequilibrium Phenomena
09.11.2006 – 11.11.2006
In the second week of October (Oct 9 - Oct 11, 2006) a workshop on
will be held at the :
Arnold Sommerfeld Center (ASC) for Theoretical Physics
Theresienstr. 37
80333 München
Room 348/349 (3rd floor)
Download the program of the conference [pdf]
Our goal is to bring together communities working on classical and quantum non-equilibrium systems. Hence we have chosen a rather broad range of topics including stochastic networks and quantum transport through nanostructures.
Jan von Delft
Erwin Frey
Stefan Kehrein
Frithjof Anders Extension of the Numerical Renormalization Group to Non-Equilibrium: Real-time dynamics of a singe spin coupled to Fermionic and BosonicBaths
Piet Brouwer The classical limit of quantum transport
Ralf Bulla Electron Transfer in Donor-Acceptor Systems: Many-Particle effects and Influence of Electronic Correlations
Bernard Derrida Current fluctuations in one dimensional non-equilibrium systems [slides]
Thomas Franosch Non-equilibrium phase transitions in driven lattice gases
Matthias Fuchs Properties of driven metastable states: sheared colloidal dispersions
Peter Hänggi Nonadiabatic electron pumping
Jean Francois Joanny Molecular motors pulling membrane tubes: collective effects and traffic
Markus Kollmann Noise propagation in Information Processing Biological Networks
Hans Kroha Perturbative renormalization group for quantum impurity systems in stationary non-equilibrium
Gerhard Rempe A Mott state of ultracold molecules in an optical lattice
Alejandro Muramatsu Relaxation in a quench between a Mott-insulator and a Luttinger-liquid
Ulrich Schollwoeck Time-dependent density matrix renormalization of systems far from equilibrium
Uwe Täuber Fluctuations and correlations in diffusion-limited multispecies pair annihilation processes
Yuval Oreg Fractional Shot Noise in the Kondo Regime
Chris Wiggins Statistical Network Physics
Please also note that in the second half of the week there is a
Boltzmann Symposium organized jointly with the Department
for Mathematics.
Some hotels in the vicinity:
Hotel Carlton, Fürstenstr. 12, D-80333 Munich, phone: +49 - (0)89 - 28 20 61
Hotel Dachs, Amalienstr. 12, D-80333 Munich, phone: +49 - (0)89 - 28 69 48 - 0
Hotel Savoy, Amalienstr. 25, D-80333 Munich, phone: +49 - (0)89 - 28 78 70
Last Updated ( Friday, 20 October 2006 )