Mini course on applications of AdS/CFT
PD Dr. Rene Meyer (Würzburg University)
02.10.2023 - 06.10.2023
Since its discovery in 1997, the AdS/CFT correspondence has become a major tool in describing strongly interacting systems with fermions at finite density and out of equilibrium. In this mini course I will introduce the correspondence, starting from its string theoretic origin. I will then cover several main applications of AdS/CFT to strongly interacting fermionic matter, hydrodynamic transport at finite temperature and density, holographic strange metals, and holographic superconductivity. The lectures will be accompanied by several exercise sessions. Though I will take a very pedagogical approach, basic knowledge of gravity, string theory, as well as condensed matter physics will be useful.
- Martin Ammon, Johanna Erdmenger: “Gauge/Gravity Duality”, Cambridge University Press 2015
- Matteo Baggioli: “Applied Holography”, Springer Briefs in Physics
- Koenraad Schalm, Jan Zaanen et. al., “Holographic Duality in Condensed Matter Physics”, Cambridge University Press 2015
Monday: Lecture 1 (10.15am), lecture 2 (2.15pm)
Tuesday: Holiday
Wednesday: Lecture 3 (10.15am), exercise session (2.15pm)
Thursday: Lecture 4 (10.15am), exercise session (2.15pm)
Friday: Lecture 5 (10.15am), exercise session (2.15pm)
A348, Theresienstr. 37