Arnold Sommerfeld Center

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(07.12.) AdS_3 String Theory Near the Boundary

Bob Knighton (Cambridge U.)

07.12.2023 at 16:15 

An understanding of string theory on AdS spacetimes is necessary for a UV understanding of the AdS/CFT correspondence. In recent years, there have been many advances in our understanding of AdS3 string theory on backgrounds with pure NS-NS flux. Many of these results hint at the existence of a subsector of the worldsheet theory which is exactly solvable, and for which the integration over the moduli space of complex structures can be carried out explicitly at all orders in perturbation theory. I will review these results, and argue that not only does such a subsector exist, but that its correlation functions are indeed exactly computable in a path integral formalism. These correlation functions in turn manifestly reproduce certain data in the proposed dual CFT on the boundary.

Arnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37
Room 348 via ZOOM