(03.02.) Extremal Black Hole Corrections from Iyer-Wald
Lars Aalsma (Wisconsin U., Madison)
03.02.2022 at 16:15
Extremal black holes play a key role in our understanding of various swampland conjectures and in particular the WGC. The mild form of the WGC states that higher-derivative corrections should decrease the mass of extremal black holes at fixed charge. Whether or not this conjecture is satisfied depends on the sign of the combination of Wilson coefficients that control corrections to extremality. Typically, corrections to extremality need to be computed on a case-by-case basis, but in this talk I will present a universal derivation of extremal black hole corrections using the Iyer-Wald formalism. This leads to a formula that expresses general corrections to the extremality bound in terms of the stress tensor of the perturbations under consideration, clarifying the relation between the WGC and energy conditions. This shows that a necessary condition for the mild form of the WGC to be satisfied is a violation of the Dominant Energy Condition. This talk is based on 2111.04201.
Arnold Sommerfeld Center
Theresienstrasse 37
Room 348
via ZOOM