(27.01.) Non-semisimple TQFTs from 3d N=4 QFTs
Niklas Garner (University of Washington)
27.01.2022 at 16:15
Over the past 30 years, 3d topological quantum field theories (TQFTs) have seen myriad applications across physics and mathematics. In this talk I will describe some aspects of the TQFTs arising from topologically twisted 3d N=4 field theories and introduce a new family of such twisted theories that conjecturally serve as a non-semisimple generalization of SU(n) Chern-Simons theory. This talk is based off of joint work with T. Creutzig, T. Dimofte, and N. Geer.
Arnold Sommerfeld Center
Theresienstrasse 37
Room 348
via ZOOM