Arnold Sommerfeld Center

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(14.10.) Overview of tensor models

Adrian Tanasa (Universite Bordeaux & IFIN-HH Bucharest)

14.10.2021 at 16:15 

Tensor models, seen as quantum field theoretical models, represent a natural generalization of the celebrated 2-dimensional matrix models. One of the main results of the study of matrix models is that their perturbative series can be reorganized in powers of 1/N (N being the matrix size). In the first part of this talk I will present such a 1/N expansion for some 3-dimensional tensor models. I will then present some recent double scaling results for tensor models. In the last part of the talk I will show how tensor models have been related (initially by Witten and then by Klebanov and Tarnopolsky) to the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, which is known to be a toy model for holography.

Arnold Sommerfeld Center
Theresienstrasse 37
Room 348
via ZOOM