Arnold Sommerfeld Center

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(13.07.) Probing faraway regions of moduli space

Matilda Delgado (IFT Madrid)

13.07.2023 at 16:15 

I will discuss the difficulties one encounters in attempting to probe (near-) infinite distances in moduli space using local solutions of the EFT. I will first argue that one generically runs into spacetime singularities due to the back-reaction on spacetime of such large field excursions. I will then argue that one can solve this issue by considering large black holes. I will focus on 4d N = 2 BPS black holes and use their attractor mechanism to show how one can extract topological data about the underlying compactification by measuring black hole thermodynamic observables. Furthermore, I will illustrate how the standard distance in moduli space can be related asymptotically to the black hole mass and entropy. I will also compute a measure of the resolution with which BPS black holes of a given mass can distinguish far away points in the moduli space. Based on: 2212.08676, 2203.11240.

Arnold Sommerfeld Center
Theresienstrasse 37
Room 348
via ZOOM