Arnold Sommerfeld Center

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(30.06.) Calabi-Yau flops and the weak gravity conjecture

Naomi Gendler (Cornell U.)

30.06.2022 at 16:15 

We study topological flop transitions between birationally equivalent Calabi-Yau threefolds. We show that the set of flop transitions for a particular threefold can be classified using solely its Gopakumar-Vafa invariants. In particular, the entirety of the moduli space of these manifolds can be reconstructed. We use this result to perform explicit tests of the Tower Weak Gravity Conjecture (TWGC) in an ensemble of Calabi-Yau threefolds obtained as hypersurfaces in toric varieties. We find that indeed the TWGC is satisfied in all of our examples.

Arnold Sommerfeld Center
Theresienstrasse 37
Room 348