Archive Summer 2019
25.07.2019 AT 16:15
(25.07.) What is dark matter?
Hitoshi Murayama (UC and LBL Berkley & Kavli IPMU)
moreArnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37 Room 348
18.07.2019 AT 16:15
(18.07.) Unconventional D-branes on T^4
Jakub Vosmera (Prague)
moreArnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37 Room 348
04.07.2019 AT 16:15
(04.07.) String Theory and Non-relativistic Gravity
Eric Bergshoeff (Groningen)
moreArnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37 Room 348
27.06.2019 AT 16:15
(27.06.) On quantum error correction
Cesar Gomez (Madrid)
moreArnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37 Room 348
13.06.2019 AT 16:15
(13.06.) Deep learning and holographic QCD
Koji Hashimoto (Osaka)
moreArnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37 Room 348
13.06.2019 AT 14:45
(13.06.) Dark energy and string theory
Per Berglund (New Hampshire University)
moreArnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37 Room A449
06.06.2019 AT 16:15
(06.06.) The Worldsheet Dual of the Symmetric Product CFT
Lorenz Eberhardt (Zurich)
moreArnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37 Room 348
23.05.2019 AT 16:15
(23.05.) A proposal for nonabelian mirrors in two-dimensional theories
Eric Sharpe (Virginia)
moreArnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37 Room 348
16.05.2019 AT 16:15
(16.05.) Boundary renormalisation group interfaces
Anatoly Konechny (Edinburgh)
moreArnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37 Room 348
09.05.2019 AT 16:15
(09.05.) Geometry, Modularity, and Quantum Gravity Conjectures
Seung-Joo Lee (Cern)
moreArnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37 Room 348
09.05.2019 AT 14:45
(09.05.) Lessons from CFTs on nontrivial manifolds
Anastasios Petkou (Thessaloniki)
moreArnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37 Room 449
02.05.2019 AT 16:15
(02.05.) Thraxions
Jakob Moritz (Desy)
moreArnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37 Room 348
25.04.2019 AT 16:15
(25.04.) Non-geometric backgrounds in string theory
Erik Plauschinn (LMU)
moreArnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37 Room 348