Archive Summer 2024
10.07.2024 AT 12:30
Spin-Statistics for Black Hole Microstates (2309.03478)
Pouya Golmohammadi
03.07.2024 AT 12:30
Scale and Conformal Invariance in 2d Sigma Models, with an Application to N=4 Supersymmetry (2404.19526)
Thomas Raml
moreA449 (LMU)
26.06.2024 AT 12:30
Swampland and the Geometry of Marked Moduli Spaces (2405.11611)
Markus Dierigl
moreA449 (LMU)
19.06.2024 AT 12:30
On de Sitter vacua in O(d,d) invariant cosmology (2404.15401)
Joaquin Masias
12.06.2024 AT 12:30
Emergence in String Theory and Fermi Gases (2404.05176)
Antonia Paraskevopoulo
moreA449 (LMU)
05.06.2024 AT 12:30
Unification of Gravity and Internal Interactions (2309.15892 & 2403.17511)
Folkert Kuipers
moreA449 (LMU)
15.05.2024 AT 12:30
The Tale of Three Scales: the Planck, the Species, and the Black Hole Scales
Carmine Montella
08.05.2024 AT 12:30
Veneziano wars: factorization strikes back (2312.07652)
Ivano Basile
moreA449 (LMU)