Archive Summer 2023
26.07.2023 AT 12:30
Starobinsky Inflation from String Theory? (2305.05703)
Benjamin Muntz
moreAuditorium (MPP)
19.07.2023 AT 12:30
Local supersymmetries and three-charge black holes (2305.03747)
Chuying Wang
moreLMU (A449)
12.07.2023 AT 12:30
The Dark Dimension and the Standard Model Landscape (2306.16491)
Joaquin Aurelio Masias Teves
moreAuditorium (MPP)
05.07.2023 AT 12:30
Estimating global charge violating amplitudes from wormholes (2212.08668)
Andreas Bischof
moreLMU (A449)
28.06.2023 AT 12:30
(In)stability of de Sitter vacuum in light of distance conjecture and emergence proposal (2305.18673)
Antonia Paraskevopoulou
21.06.2023 AT 12:30
Fake supersymmetry with tadpole potentials (2304.12717)
Vittorio Larotonda
moreLMU (A449)
14.06.2023 AT 12:30
Towers and Hierarchies in the Standard Model from Emergence in Quantum Gravity (2302.00017)
Aleksander Gligovic
moreAuditorium (MPP)
07.06.2023 AT 12:30
Freely acting orbifolds of type IIB string theory on T5 (2302.09112)
Thomas Raml
moreLMU (A449)
31.05.2023 AT 12:30
Non-invertible Symmetry of the Standard Model from Gravitational Anomaly (2302.14862)
Dusan Novicic
24.05.2023 AT 12:30
Bounds on Field Range for Slowly Varying Positive Potentials (2305.07701)
Christian Kneissl
moreAuditorium (MPP)
17.05.2023 AT 12:30
IR/UV Mixing, Towers of Species and Swampland Conjectures (2112.10796, 2212.03908)
Carmine Montella
moreLMU (A449)
10.05.2023 AT 12:30
Scale-separated AdS4 vacua and the distance conjecture (2212.06169)
Niccolo Cribiori
moreMPP Auditorium
03.05.2023 AT 12:30
Bounds on Species Scale and the Distance Conjecture (2303.13580)
Ivano Basile
moreLMU (A449)