Archive Winter 2021/22
02.02.2022 AT 12:30
Einstein Yang-Mills amplitudes from intersection of twisted forms (2201.00837)
Pouria Mazloumi
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26.01.2022 AT 12:30
IR/UV Mixing, Towers of Species and Swampland Conjectures (2112.10796)
Marco Scalisi
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19.01.2022 AT 12:30
Witten goes Operator Algebras, some background on arXiv:2112.12828, arXiv:2112.11614 and arXiv:1803.04993
Robert Helling
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12.01.2022 AT 12:30
O(D,D) and the string α′ expansion: An obstruction (2012.13410)
Alejandro Rodriguez
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22.12.2021 AT 12:30
Double Field Theory as the Double Copy of Yang-Mills (2109.01153)
Thomas Raml
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15.12.2021 AT 12:30
On the black hole/string transition (2109.08563)
Alessandra Gnecchi
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08.12.2021 AT 12:30
Reformulating the Weak Gravity Conjecture (2108.04594)
Andriana Makridou
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01.12.2021 AT 12:30
Infinite distance limits and information theory (2106.11313)
Davide De Biasio
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24.11.2021 AT 12:30
Supersymmetric Protection and the Swampland (2003.10452)
Christian Schneider
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17.11.2021 AT 13:00
Towards the String Lamppost Principle (2008.11729)
Niccolo Cribiori
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03.11.2021 AT 12:30
Topological modular forms and the absence of (all) heterotic global anomalies (2103.12211, 2108.13542)
Markus Dierigl
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