Archive Winter 2020/21
03.02.2021 AT 12:30 - 03.02.2021 AT 13:30
An update on gravity as a double copy
Chrysoula Markou
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27.01.2021 AT 12:30 - 27.01.2021 AT 13:30
Gravitational Scattering Amplitudes and Tidal Love
Brage Gording
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20.01.2021 AT 13:30 - 20.01.2021 AT 14:30
Schwinger, we've got a problem! (2007.08323)
Vero Errasti Diez
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13.01.2021 AT 12:30 - 13.01.2021 AT 13:30
Topological Gravity as the Early Phase of Our Universe (2009.10077)
Andriana Makridou
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16.12.2020 AT 12:30 - 16.12.2020 AT 13:30
The Convex Hull Swampland Distance Conjecture and Bounds on Non-geodesics (arXiv:2012.00034)
Marco Scalisi
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09.12.2020 AT 12:30 - 09.12.2020 AT 13:30
Late-time cosmology and the swampland in modified gravity
Marvin Lüben
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02.12.2020 AT 12:30 - 02.12.2020 AT 13:30
Factorisation, wormholes and baby universes (2002.08950, 2004.06738)
Saskia Demulder
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25.11.2020 AT 12:30 - 25.11.2020 AT 13:30
Is Trans-Planckian Censorship necessary?
Max Brinkmann
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18.11.2020 AT 12:30 - 18.11.2020 AT 13:30
Realizing IR theories by projections in the UV (1907.12339)
Jonathan Schulz
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11.11.2020 AT 12:30 - 11.11.2020 AT 13:30
Hawking radiation, Extremal Islands and Replica Wormholes, Part II (1911.11977, 2006.06872)
Alessandra Gnecchi
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04.11.2020 AT 12:30 - 04.11.2020 AT 13:30
Hawking radiation, Extremal Islands and Replica Wormholes, Part I (1908.10996, 2006.06872)
Ioannis Lavdas
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28.10.2020 AT 12:30 - 28.10.2020 AT 13:30
A gentle introduction to pure spinors
Ingmar Saberi
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